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New Dimensions Symmetry and Elf Angels
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   The Coyote. "New Dimensions Symmetry and Elf Angels: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp90591)". Jan 21, 2021.

1 hit smoked Cannabis
  1 hit smoked DMT
I did DMT last night and I feel as if I need to share my experience, to warn and to encourage psychedelic users about this chemical. A lot of people ask, 'woah! How did you come across such a substance' as if DMT is something impossible to find. Ever since I started using psychedelics, I've realized that the secret to getting something is truly wanting it and being completely honest with myself about that desire. So, I got a random call as I was leaving town that a kid made a big batch of the stuff. I called him up, bought the stuff, and took it home.

I took about 80-100mg of this stuff because every time I had taken it in the past, I had never fully “broken through” as they say. So this time, I made sure I would. I didn’t have a sitter, which is usually a bad idea, but I didn’t think anyone being there would help if for some reason something bad did start to happen. I mean, it’s a good 5-10 minutes, and you’re back. And it’s a death experience. Whatever a sitter is going to see won’t be awe-inspiring for them—it’ll just be scary and weird.

What I did was made a bed of cannabis in my pipe for the DMT to rest on (and it was a BIG pile of it—to be honest, it intimidated me and I started to get scared) and then put a top layer of cannabis over it. As I was doing this, my doorbell rang and some friends wanted to go hot-tubbing. I let them in mine, but it was broken, so they were going to go to another one instead. Normally, I’d say this wasn’t important, but I now take it as a warning or a sign of some sort telling me that hanging out with friends is always more important than any self-search spiritual quest of any sort. Nevertheless, I chose myself over my friends and went back to my room. At this point, I’m freaking out. My heart’s beating fast, I’m having second doubts. The usual feelings you get before taking any psychedelic. I started to meditate a bit, calming myself down. I tried to prepare for the world I had read so much about and thought I had experienced. Eventually, I was calm so I took the biggest hit of my life and held it in for I don’t even know how long. It didn’t matter. In an instant, I was swept away. I knew I had flown to this blue world past the universe, what people call the astral plane, but that I had flown past this into a world that was impossible. There were cartoon shapes everywhere, literally everywhere and they all moved at different speeds in different modes of time—it didn’t make any sense!

But it existed. I remember a neon cactus (which looked like something I had seen when I was a kid) and many round neon orbs. In retrospective, I assume these are my atoms, but who can be sure? They seemed to dance, but again, in different speeds and different times. The whole time there’s this sound, like a Gregorian monk chanting in my ear. It’s a rumble and a hum kind of. After the orbs left, a being of radiance appeared and it was almost too shocking to handle. It wasn’t just a radiance. It was stained glass and had the light of a million suns. Around it were geometric patterns that were impossible but I knew them to be what the universe was made out of--in fact, it seemed like I had been shown that there wasn't just one Universe, but endless amounts of them, with endless dimensions keeping those 'universes' together. I realized further that each dimension and each 'bubble' or 'world' has a different reality to experience and that human consciousness was just one set of experiences of many and that we were to live out every one of them. A new myth every time! There were many zodiac shapes too so maybe each one represented a different universe. Maybe not. The being said, without talking, “you don’t know what you’re dealing with. This stuff isn’t a joke. This is spiritual.” I then wished I had gone with my friends because I knew what was happening wasn’t something necessarily pleasant, it was something too real for me to handle.

I knew I had died and that what I was seeing was God or something of the sort. I didn’t want to see it because I didn’t want to believe its existence, but as I denied it, it grew in light and radiance. I told it I didn’t want to die (all with non-language) and it showed me my whole life, from birth to death and it seemed too beautiful and familiar to let go. I saw all my family and everyone that I loved. I told it I didn’t want to die again and there were lightning strikes all around me. The figure disappeared and my eyes seemed to open for a bit without my control. I saw hundreds (endless even) of bodies floating around my room at incredible speeds and I figured they may be the dead doing what they need to do to keep everything going--because that's the thing, we're all keeping IT going with our actions. We're under the guise of free-will, but every action is perfect and for a higher goal.

Above me a woman wrapped in what seemed to be cloth and wings like from a bird, hovered in my room and looked at me with love. Everything started to turn into light and I knew I was going to get my body back, that I hadn’t actually died. I was SO HAPPY that I was alive. I saw my body regenerate, my cells were blue and some were purple and they were moving around like robots, communicating with gesture and vibration. Then I slowly saw my body come out of a neon/black/green fuzz. I was alive. I rolled around with energy, extremely happy. It was probably one of the best experiences I’ve ever been through, although tough at times. The total trip lasted about 6 minutes with another 10 minute comedown/sober period. Wow.

This was unlike anything I had experienced. Experienced Psychonaughts beware! This isn't just a fun experience. It's life changing. This is THE death trip and if you're not ready to see everything all at once, I'd stay away until you feel up to it. Not saying this is a dangerous or horrible or evil chemical (because, oh man, it's not!), but I think people should understand the ancient/profound wisdom mixed with sheer terror and amazement that comes with the trip.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90591
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 21, 2021Views: 747
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DMT (18) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9)

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