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Took All the Work Out of Lucid Dreaming
Citation:   jotaro kujo. "Took All the Work Out of Lucid Dreaming: An Experience with Thebacon (exp9065)". Jun 7, 2004.

This is a trip report for a substance which I believe is designated acetyldihydrocodeinone, it is an opioid, an opiate analogue, and is Schedule 1. (or as we call it, 'grade a')

A friend of mine at the office always wanted to get me to try Acedicone (Thebacon), an opiate analogue I've never really heard about. Ive been somewhat experienced in sampling different opiates and opioids, and honestly, none of them were too radically different in effects, more like different in proportions of effects. Thats why I couldn't understand why he wanted to get me to try this one. I knew a lot of other people in the office had tried it, but I just thought they were being drug idiots about it, focusing too much on the subtle differences between it and the other opioids, like how some of the people there would love one arbitrary ho-tryptamine analogue over all the others, saying 'well the thoughts on this one were all really good!'. Boy I was in for a suprise.

My usual prefered setting for an opioid is in a dark room with some headphones on. But my friend said that all of that would be unecessary, and actually distract from the experience. I let him have his way, and he only recommended that I lay down on my bed. I gelcapped the 40 mgs of powder we had weighed out, and took it. Not too long after, I started to feel the pleasureable opiate body feeling. It didn't seem to be very strong though, although, if I examine the feelings very subtely, I would say that it had more of a relaxing feel like a fine creal bowl filled of amanita muscaria, and an 'mdma' like pleasantness. I was thinking about how good it would be to go on with ones routine with the feelings I was feeling, but then as I moved around a little, I suddenly realized how tired my body felt. This was a large marked contrast to my very awake mind, which felt more unnaffected, normal and awake then I have felt on any other opiate. Normally I don't like major dissasociative/weak body feelings, although the relaxing component tottaly put me at ease with it. I began to enter the familiar opiate nod (my favorite part of an opiod trip). Then the big thing happned.

I actually must have fallen asleep. I saw my old room from childhood house, and thought, 'wow! I must be dreaming!'. I was sort of a dissasociated eye. However, I thought that I could create a body for myself by trying to imagine the tactile sensations of having a body. This worked. I started jumping around my room, completely aware of the fact that I was dreaming, and my body was actually asleep in my real room. I then decided to use the 'spin' technique to change my location. This worked as well. Basically, for the next 20 minutes, I was in a lucid dream. Some of the things I did:

smoked N,N,-DMT (no effect)
had sex with my girlfriend whom I created out of a generic girls body
talked to dream characters with the lucid intention to see what they would say for the hell of it, all the while maintaining lucidity.
Actually felt real pain by pressing my hand hard into a wrought iron fence.
Vaporized dream characters instantly and with little concentration needed.
Realized that my dream memory was fading towards the end, and I was able to willfully wake myself instantly from REM sleep to awakeness, thereby preserving my memory of the experience relatively excellently.

I don't want to go into detail here, but I list these examples to show just how lucid I was. Ive never been this lucid in a dream before, nor have I ever had this much lucid control over drug induced hallucinations. It was comepletely fantastic. I awoke, saw my friend surfing the net at my computer, and screamed 'LUCID!' He responded, 'it takes all the work out of it doesn't it?' This was a reference to how I was complaining about the amount of work my lucid dreaming practices took. We later discussed the issue, and he said that with this opioid its easily possible to have lucid nods, or dreams. I had always felt that there was a substance like this out there, as my lucid dreams have always been triggered by the chemical balance of my brain, or the alertness of my rational mind, rather then any reasoning through impossible dream situations, mnemonic induced lucid dreaming, or any other practice.

Now I understand why this substance was such a favorite at the office. Most of them do no other opiates at all besides this one. And I have converted to their side. There IS a big difference between this and all other opiates that I've come across, the proportion of mental effects and physical are absolutely perfect for lucid dreaming naps and nods. I haven't come across one person so far who has tried it and disagrees.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9065
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2004Views: 1,573
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Dreams (85), Thebacon (853) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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