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First Time Wierd Experience
Citation:   LegallyHigh. "First Time Wierd Experience: An Experience with 2C-P (exp90663)". Dec 15, 2011.

10 mg   2C-P (pill / tablet)
I took a pressed 2C-P pill that was 10mg at around 10:50 PM. After about 1 hour I started to feel strange but wasn't really tripping yet everything just got a little brighter and I was thinking about odd things I don't usually think about. About 3 hours after injecting I started to really trip.

Its a weird experience.. I cant sleep for 12+ hrs. Every time I layed down I was thinking about stuff then 2c-p would force its way into my head ..I kinda felt like I was talking to the actual 2c-p chemical in my head. out of body experience I think. I was saying stuff like get out of my head dude I’m not using you just to get high.I just had this feeling the 2c-p was angry at me for using this chemical for a high. And the 2c-p would respond with a bunch of negative images like a devils face, and burning buildings, and a dark forest with an angry bear..

I was just tripping balls. It was like whatever I started to think about when my eyes were closed, it would show up as a movie in my head. I remember thinking about a bunch of girls sitting in a circle having a conversation, and since I happen to like Spanish girls I was able to design a perfect Spanish girl and talk to her with my real time thinking. It was like I was really talking to people while my eyes were closed. It was just crazy!

At one point I layed down trying to go to sleep with my eyes closed and I heard a drilling noise.. like something drilled a hole in the back of my skull. I heard a noise like 'ZZZZZZZZZUUUUURRRRRRZZZZ' and opened my eyes instantly. That kind of scared me and was pretty odd. And at one point I was on-line and posted a thread at what I thought was 2:30 in the morning. But the next day I looked at the time I posted it and it said 11:30 PM.

Colors are bright. I cant even explain the visuals.. It was like a movie was playing in my head of everything that was on my mind. my eyes were big as golf balls. Thats pretty much all I can remember.. overall I liked this drug in a weird way. It was a odd experience not in a bad way but not in a good way. I respect this chemical!

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90663
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 15, 2011Views: 8,294
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2C-P (305) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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