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That Was All It Took...
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis
Citation:   HiddenLeaf. "That Was All It Took...: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis (exp90964)". Oct 23, 2020.

T+ 0:00
15 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
  T+ 4:30 0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
Marijuana Saved My Mescaline Experience

I haven't done a lot of drugs in my life, and started with marijuana at the ripe age of 25. Since then, I have smoked marijuana on an almost daily basis, but never a huge amount. Usually, half a joint an hour or 2 before I go to bed is enough to get me buzzed and give me a good night of sleep.

I have wanted to try LSD for a while now, perhaps since a year ago when a friend of mine had tried it and told me about his experience. However, being not so well connected, I have had a hard time getting anything but marijuana. Apart from a small line of cocaine (which I didn't find had much effect on me), I had not really taken any other drugs in my life. My search for LSD led me to San Pedro, and as I type this, I am already looking forward to my next trip.

I prepared the cactus with a friend, and we split a 30-inch cactus cutting between the two of us. It was a very dark green shade, and decently thick (over 3 inches). My friend has a similar drug history to me, although I would consider him a heavy marijuana user as he will smoke any chance he gets. We have known each other since we were children, so I'm as comfortable around him as can be.

We de-spined, peeled, removed the core, and chopped the cactus up. Then blended, boiled and filtered the liquid to get our 'cactus tea'. It took half a day to do this, and we finished around 8:30pm, which is when we both consumed it. Yes it tasted bad, but I didn't mind it so much and I managed to finish mine in a couple of gulps. My friend had a harder time and drank it over the period of about 45 minutes. He was also taking bong hits any chance he got, which was the usual for him, while I had not smoked at all that day.

After 10 minutes, I felt a bit of nausea, but not not enough to make me vomit. We both watched some tv to pass the time.

After about an hour, we both started to have mild visual distortions, staring at one thing long enough would make it bend and warp. Nothing breathtaking, more like 'this is cool'. I also began to feel very energetic, like I had a lot of adrenaline going through me. We both had headaches, but it was not unbearable.

For the next several hours, I remained in this state. Things were waiving and being distorted slightly, but still, nothing I would write home about. At this point, it was well into the 4th hour of the trip, and I had all but given up. My friend was in a similar state, and we both agreed it was not worth the effort. I thought perhaps we had not extracted it properly, but still, my mindset was that I would probably never try it again. To sum it up, it was an extremely disappointing experience compared to some of the trip reports I have read.

At this point, around 1am (4.5 hours into the trip), I was about to head off to bed as I had to be up fairly early the next day. I then unknowingly made one of the best decisions in my life - to smoke some marijuana.

I only had half a joint, but that was all it took... I think not having it all day made the difference, as my friend was not lucky enough to experience what I did. After smoking the weed, I sat back down, feeling a little dizzy, and noticing that my vision started to get a bit crazy... It was then that I started seeing things properly waver. Walls started bending, and moving however I wanted them to. There were rainbow colored fractals perfectly positioned symmetrically across the walls! My heart started beating fast, very fast, and then it hit. The Euphoria. I had never taken MDMA before so I could not compare it to that, but I can only imagine this could be what it feels like.

It was now about 5 hours since I first drank the cactus tea, and only now was it hitting me. Only now was it peaking. It was a rush like no other. It was pure bliss. The music that we had playing, it didn't matter what it was, each song that came was instantly became my favourite song. Everything was perfect. That was all I could think. At one stage, I was soaring through waves that looked like wireframe images.

This lasted about 2 hours, and would have gone on longer had my friend not gone to sleep. Unfortunately, he didn't experience any of this. We had the same dose, but he is heavier than me, so his dose may not have been enough. We both went to sleep between 4 and 4:30am. I didn't have trouble going to sleep at all, however, it was a fairly restless sleep - a dreamlike state, where my mind was still working and thinking about random things. I woke at about 9am, and I remember still having lingering visual effects where patterns warped and crawled if I looked at them long enough. However, it was very weak at this stage, just a pleasant reminder about the experience I just had.

Besides a bearable headache, there were no ill effects the following day. In fact, I felt quite content, and everything seemed right. I was ecstatic about this new thing I had discovered. It would be the only thing on my mind for some time. I plan on experiencing it again in a few weeks.

I read about some experiences online where the user had a poor or mediocre experience, and think to myself that I could have been just like that if it weren't for that joint.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90964
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Oct 23, 2020Views: 827
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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