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Odd Vision Thing and Hyper Alertness
Citation:   crazyemily. "Odd Vision Thing and Hyper Alertness: An Experience with Modafinil (exp90982)". Jul 23, 2020.

400 mg oral Modafinil
My Provigil Months

I took this med as prescribed for maybe 2 months straight. It was a very very odd drug. Now I am someone who has been prescribed about 16 diff prescription drugs over a 10 year period for bipolar-depression-ADD. This drug was def one of the absolute oddest of them all, including the massive amounts of illegal drugs I've ingested over the years in the past. It literally makes me vigilant, as the name implies. I am hyper aware and ready to go guard something. To sit at a post and watch for something to happen, to scan and rescan the environment, but I don't even have to move my head to do it, that's the crazy part. My vision was 180 degs looking straight ahead. I could see it all, and so clearly. It was odd as I've said.

It did seem to help with things like remembering groups of numbers easier. Did nothing for the ADD focus motivation problems though. And helped only a little with wakefulness, which was why I was taking it, I could still fall asleep no problem during the day on it. No problem at all in fact. I did experiment with taking more of the stuff at once but didn't see a big difference with dosage increases to warrant eating more on a reg basis. The drug is a novelty in my opinion, with the odd vision thing and hyper alertness without any speedy or cracked out feelings.

[Reported Dose: "200mgs 2xs a day"]

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 90982
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jul 23, 2020Views: 740
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Modafinil (217) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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