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Random Loot
Methocarbamol & Cannabis
Citation:   Ebrain. "Random Loot: An Experience with Methocarbamol & Cannabis (exp91002)". Jun 26, 2018.

T+ 0:00
750 mg oral Methocarbamol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:50   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I recently received a small opiate stash from a friend. I noticed this pill inside of them and figured it was a mistake from my friend, I talked to him about it and he let me keep it.

It was only 1 pill so I decided to take it the same night.

I first took the pill at 11:55 PM, and decided to open up this experience submission as it's my first time experimenting with this substance.

T+ 0:00 = Took 750mg pill.

T+ 0:20 = Feel a slight tingling in some parts of my body. Seems to be mostly on the hands.

T+ 0:30 = Body is starting to feel a bit 'heavier', moving from place to place isn't hard physically, but willpower to move isn't that high.

T+ 0:45 = Tingling in my body is a bit stronger now, more noticeable around my body rather than just on my hands.

T+ 1:00 = Slight head ache, came and went fairly quickly. Got up to go to bathroom and felt a bit numb in my legs. When I returned I decided to start smoking some cannabis.

T+ 1:30 = Went to lay down in bed for a while, felt really relaxed, drifted into sleep a bit.

T+ 1:50 = I smoked a bit more cannabis at this point. Making the total smoked around .3-.5 grams.

T+ 1:55 = Just noticed my perception of time is incredibly off the charts. I kind of want to attribute this to cannabis, but since I'm a regular user of it I have gotten accustomed to time changes, the most that I been off lately is 10 mins. This time tough I tough at least 30+ mins had passed when in reality only 5 minutes passed.

T+ 2:15 = Just came back from resting in bed again, numbness is still present a bit, and it's hard trying to stay awake so finishing this report.

Overall it was a interesting experience, I believe that if I had at least 2 pills the effect would have been much more noticeable.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91002
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 26, 2018Views: 8,131
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Methocarbamol (450), Cannabis (1) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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