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So I Did Try It Once
Citation:   Jed the Beetle God. "So I Did Try It Once: An Experience with Datura (exp91011)". Oct 14, 2020.

1 flower oral Datura (edible / food)
I was a young and foolish experimenter at one time. I made a Datura smoothie once. I didn't die, something I am quite happy about in retrospect. I can't really recommend its use to anyone else since the standard hallucinogens are far more pleasant. Salvia Divinorum is a better route to go for potent, legal trips.

This trip was interesting, I think, and at least humorous. Perhaps I can help to satisfy the curiosity of anyone considering the scopolamine experience enough so that he/she does not feel the need to try it themselves.

I was in a car. NOT driving - I had the forethought to arrange help in this area. Windows down, talking to friends when all of a sudden I was unable to speak. This was due to a combination of an utterly dry mouth and the inability to properly form words with my brain. I was fine with this, and gave up on verbal communication for awhile.

We stopped soon at our destination - an outside dance fiasco of some kind. When I left the car, I had the amazing feeling that I was connected to the core of the Earth. I could see the connection in my mind and feel the breadth of our planet. Every step I took reached for miles below the surface. I felt gigantic, expanding, my consciousness reaching across space.

After that, things got pretty confusing. Our party (4 total) decided to leave the outdoor dance party since the other guy who had partaken of the smoothie was having a much harder time dealing with the scene than we anticipated. I was disappointed - I had hoped to get my groove on while my consciousness raced towards the edge of the universe.

So we went back home. At some point, my other tripping friend had completely removed his clothing in a bizarre and clandestine manner. One of my sober friends handed me my keys so I could unlock the door, and I had the darndest time telling the difference between the keys and the water bottle in my other hand, and soon forgot that I was holding either. My friend took the keys back at some point.

I went to the bathroom later, after we watched a little TV. I remember that my tiny downstairs bathroom looked like a HUGE locker room filled with strangers. I was a bit shy about peeing and sang a little song to comfort myself ('I was sailing along'- I wasn't even aware that I knew this song). My friends were listening intently outside the door. Apparently, I came to a 'money is evil' place - my friend noticed a dollar swirling in the toilet and asked how much I had tossed to which I answered 'A couple bucks.'

Later, I was asked to write my name, as a sort of challenge. I rolled my eyes, and proceeded to move the paper out of the way and write on the counter. After some arguing, I was convinced that writing on the paper was the better option, and I managed to write 'J'-scribble, close enough since my name does begin with a 'J'. Not yet satisfied, my friend (whose name begins with an 'M') challenged me to write his name. I begrudgingly acquiesced, and wrote approximately the same thing: 'J'-scribble.

I have a memory of talking to my friend about the guy dating the girl I was in love with at the time. It was then that I re-discovered the flower of speech and let fly the most elaborate and intricately designed stream of expletives and insults my friend has heard to this day. I don't remember the whole stream, though I do remember that it involved fornication with several unattractive land mammals and that it flowed from my mouth as easily as water from a faucet.

After some sleep (did I sleep?), I awoke and was still a bit delirious, but not aware of it. I went to the bathroom and saw a purple-hued hologram of an acquaintance standing in my my way staring stolidly in my direction reminding me that I was still under the influence of a substance. I ignored this image, walked through her, and chalked it up to latent dreaming. I proceeded to pee, dress, go into the kitchen, and attempt to boil water in an empty pot without actually filling it. The pot kept mysteriously leaving the stove, and I had to replace it several times. It wasn't until I gradually came to, sitting in an easy chair surrounded by friends and family that I realized someone had been moving the empty pot from the stove to avoid damage to it, me, or the kitchen.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 91011
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 14, 2020Views: 1,324
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Datura (15) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Various (28)

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