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Happily Insane With No Concept of Time
2C-C & 5-MeO-MIPT
Citation:   Shards. "Happily Insane With No Concept of Time: An Experience with 2C-C & 5-MeO-MIPT (exp91162)". Jun 6, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:30 15 mg rectal 2C-C  
  T+ 0:45 25 mg oral 2C-C  
  T+ 0:45 10 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT  
  T+ 0:45   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:10   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 4:35   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 5:20   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 6:10 40 mg oral 2C-C  
T0.00: marijuana smoked

T-0.30: 15mg 2C-C rectal

T-0.40: Feeling effects already. Wow. I'm hard to surprise and I'm surprised. Not the intensity so much as the immediacy. Decent visual distortions. I'm very aware of my computer humming. Possible audial hallucinations.

T-0.45: 25mg 2C-C oral + 10mg 5-MeO-MiPT oral + more pot

T-1.00: Hallucinating showers ftw. Brb

T-1.10: *toke* Excellent time distortion. Clear visuals. Pronounced but pleasurable body load. I am definitely tripping face.

T-1.25: My partner's stopped by to visit.

T-4.35: Holy shit, where did all that time go? I mean, yeah, I just spent... a lot... of time bonding and connecting with someone I love, having passionate sex, revealing secret shames and talking about our pasts... Huh. 5 hours. I guess that sounds about right. The 2C-C effects have definitely decreased a lot though I'm still tripping face off the 5-MeO. *toke* I feel very tired. My partner and I are both psychic and connecting to someone on that third-eye level can be really fuckin' exhausting. It's hard to lay myself so bare and at the same time be receptive to every tiny minutiae of input. Hard but worth it. We play games with our eyes and our bodies. Sie goes off to a friend's party.

T-5.20: I had to re-do the math a bunch of times to make sure I got that timestamp right. My thoughts are racing a mile a minute. My body's as comfortable as it's gonna get on this high a dose of hallucinogens. *toke* The pot helps me keep a reign on it. I've had an extremely difficult past and I've been manic-depressive lately so it's been weighing pretty heavily on my mind. Eating lemon yogurt and almonds and they're the best I've ever had.

T-6.10: What's with these numbers? +40mg 2C-C taken orally

T-8.55: My I've written an lot of poetry. I like how insignificant time is. There's so much of it packed into every moment and yet the hours keep flying by.
I like how insignificant time is. There's so much of it packed into every moment and yet the hours keep flying by.
The 2C-C + 5-MeO-MiPT combination is definitely a winning one though I'm glad I redosed 'cos without the 2C-C glitteriness the MiPT was making me kind of anxious. Probably could have been solved by a brisk walk, but this was a lot more fun. I think a lot about madness and the idea of Mad Pride. Mild headache.

T-9.40: It's been a long time since I felt sated by a drug experience. I'm going to close this account and wander off into adventure.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 91162
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 6, 2018Views: 1,190
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5-MeO-MIPT (287), 2C-C (262) : Various (28), Combinations (3)

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