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A Life-Changing Experience
Cacti (San Pedro)
Citation:   Pan Sedro. "A Life-Changing Experience: An Experience with Cacti (San Pedro) (exp91165)". Dec 1, 2013.

  oral Cacti - columnar (extract)
I certainly went about doing this the wrong way! This report is to help you not make the same mistake as I did, although it wasn't terrible or that unpleasant.

10:00 PM - 5:00 AM

I begin my story the night before hand when I was finally left alone to cook my cactus. I had little time to do it so I had to cook it that night. I used a method where I chopped, mixed with water, blended, cooked and strained the mixture to perfection. This was very carefully watched and I kind of took some foolish pride in my extraction, sacrificing sleep (required for a safe trip) in the process.

5:00 AM - 6:00 AM

I took a nap while it cooled down, I had some intense dreams spurred on my sleep loss but I woke up confident enough to continue with the process.

6:00 AM - 7:30 AM

I poured the mixture through a t-shirt into the blender, squeezing it to get every last drop out of the ball of cactus. The spines were not fun to squeeze, although they had been softened. I went out and grabbed some apple slices and grapefruit juice and began my trip journey.

7:30 AM - ??? AM

I don't know how long it took to chug that nasty liquid down. I had heard stories of nausea so I took a shot every 10 minutes or so, the kind of shots I'd do when I first started drinking hard liquor. My God it was terrible, but it was a learning experience, and by the time I 'finished' there was still half of the liquid left.

The mescaline slowly took a hold of me, I didn't notice it too much at first, but I began to watch cartoons and do childish activities almost immediately. Light began to become intense for me and everything sort of became enhanced. As I was basking in the experience a nasty headache started to settle in.

I went outside and was blown away by what I had missed. Beyond my fence there was thousands of things in the distance. I would have never noticed them before. The trees were alive with motion and the wind began to become very connective with me. I could not stand for very long out of lack of interest in standing and began to view the world on the ground. I suddenly became aware of the microworld all around us.

I watched the ants go about their busy day. I realized they were happy working and didn't need the kinds of complex emotions humans needed. They had purpose in just collecting things.

I watched flowers and saw their complex forms. I did not contemplate about them however. I just admired their bright colors and pleasant nature behind them I decided that they were a good thing.

The grass seemed to be a forest that had been under our noses the whole time. An entire world beyond human grasp! And as I layed out on my concrete patio experiences of my childhood started flowing back to me.

I remembered so much. I could feel what I felt when things happened. I started to feel sad at times and happy at others and I realized that my childhood shaped my being today. I realized I had to forgive those that had hurt me and that I was feeling like I was beginning anew.

My time outside was the most memorable. It was very pleasant, but my headache had grown very intensely and I still had half a cup of San Pedro juice to down.

I went back inside and attempted to swallow as much as I could. It was horrendous, but as the trip continued I began to care less about the taste and more about the experience. I continued throughout the day to chug and continue with my trip, mostly just talking on the phone and watching television. Rather uneventful but my headache became severe at this point

The ever present nature of it was unavoidable and not advil nor any other pain medication could solve it. I didn't really understand at the time what was going on but I'm fairly certain it was exhaustion of the body and mind for I had only eaten apple slices that day.

The sun eventually went down and I tried going to bed. I turned on a recording of rainfall on my speaker system and sunk into my bed. It was amazing.

I could focus off of my exhaustion and just feel the amazement of the world around me. I grabbed my acoustic guitar and started playing blues scales with my eyes closed imagining I was on my grandparents porch on their farm in a heavy rain, playing my guitar. The feeling of peacefulness and tranquility is still with me as I'm typing this message. It was long due for.

Eventually around midnight I got up and took a shower, the shower was incredible as well. The warm water really helped soothe me and felt like it soothed my soul as well. As the shampoo went down my body I could see every single bubble. The complexity of the bubbles in the soap was intense at the time and I spent a lot of time playing with them. I began to sing, just improvised lyrics at the time and came into a nice harmony with the sound of the water in the shower and everything around me.

When I got out of the shower I felt clean, not only physically but emotionally and spiritually which is funny because I'm an atheist. My whole being felt cleansed and my headache was diminished. At this time I was exhausted. I fell asleep but I don't remember doing it and woke up feeling very peaceful but a little isolated and a bit cautious about the world around me.

Still my life after the trip was greatly improved. My attitude toward everything drastically changed and I'm extremely happy today.

Am I going to do it again? Maybe. In my opinion it's highly non-addictive, very safe and life changing for the better.

Everyone should do mescaline at least once in their life time!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 91165
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 1, 2013Views: 5,153
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Cacti - columnar (10) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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