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Nightmares While Awake
GHB & Beer / GHB & Cannabis
Citation:   Maffmatix. "Nightmares While Awake: An Experience with GHB & Beer / GHB & Cannabis (exp91236)". Jun 8, 2011.

1 cap oral GHB (liquid)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
So I've only done GHB about four times in my life, but the last two have convinced me to steer clear of it.

I'm not sure why I experience the type of experience that I'm about to explain; my friends report back with amazing stories and promote it with nothing but good things to say about G, but to me, frankly, it's horrifying.

The first two times I did it were pretty fun. I took about a cap both times and had a beer or two on top of that, and that's all. A relatively tame night for some of my friends, but I had never done it before and wanted to have a good night. I don't remember too much but basically it was like being drunk without the sloppiness.

The third time was the first time that I had a hellish experience. I can list a few things I did WRONG this time around, so I wasn't surprised afterwards that it went badly. Basically, I was partying with one of my most crazy/party-boy friends and I had been doing a plethora of different drugs and drinking quite a bit for hours. We ended up at a weird house party, some big mansion on a hill with people who looked like some real fiends hanging out there. We drank, did coke, smoked weed, drank more and raged on through the night. Some people even smoked meth but I definitely avoided THAT room.

Anyways- I was on the porch outside and a dude and his girlfriend were taking some GHB and offered me a cap with water. I knew I had been drinking a lot but strangely I didn't feel too drunk and I felt like, 'hey, if they're gonna do it, I can give it a go'. I took it and I felt fine for about half an hour. Then I just straight up passed out in a room full of people who were being loud and partying still. When I woke up later, unbeknownst to me how long I was out, I felt very strange. I felt the fear.

I took myself out of the room and into an empty room with a couch to figure out how I was actually feeling. I sat down and started to realize I felt like I was in hell. I honestly felt like the world was ending. I couldn't explain why I felt this way, but I did. I knew it was the G and I thought that maybe I was having a nightmare when I was passed out and somehow I woke up while it was still happening.

I convinced myself that was the case, but it didn't help stop this horrible sensation that the entire UNIVERSE was caving and the most horrible tragedy was occurring with a gravitational pull towards my brain. There were no words to describe my fear and depression at that moment. I couldn't even move I was so terrified. After about 20 minutes of sitting there, experiencing what I could only describe as a waking nightmare, it faded and I was fine. That was the first bad experience.

The second one was similar, but this time around I had been partying MUCH less. I did however drink about 7 beers before I took the GHB this time around. I took whatever the dose was that my friend gave me, something like 2…. ml? Don't quote me on that, but it was basically the recommended dose for a good time.

I was i the club, girls were loving me, I was being funny and dancing well, I was feeling great and everyone was awesome in my eyes. Then I had a quick moment where I could have sworn some girl said something to me that was like hearing the devil speak to you. I don't remember what she said but it was like a momentary vision of hell, yet again, but I snapped back quickly.

Then we all went back to the house and I smoked weed with my friends. On a side note, my crazy ex-girlfriend (and roommate!) was there and at this point she had been drunk and wanted to fight me, so that put a damper on things. We got in the car and she drove us home. On the way home, I suddenly got the feeling that I had done something terrible to her, and when I say terrible, I mean that in my mind I really thought I destroyed her very being and ruined her life. All from our fight. I actually, genuinely believed this. I begged for her forgiveness and was so terrified yet again, in the same way as that other time on the couch. I didn't even have any idea that it was in my head this time - I believe it. Then I passed out.

That experience was strange because this was a few hours after I had taken the G and it felt like the weed triggered it again or something. Either way, both of those last two times brought on what felt like momentary instances of schizophrenia. And in the scariest way.

I've always been pretty sensitive to many different drugs and I've got a pretty wild/racing mind so I am not surprised about my experience being somewhat strange, and I don't know why exactly my G experiences have turned out so scary but I think I am going to hang up my hat with G.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91236
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 8, 2011Views: 12,251
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GHB (25) : Various (28), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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