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Journey Into My Soul
Citation:   Parker. "Journey Into My Soul: An Experience with 2C-E (exp91388)". Jun 10, 2018.

25 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
After school one day when my drug addict older brother had run away for the 3rd time this year, I went into his car to see if I could find any weed since I had smoked my last nug the day before. I opened up his glove box to find a gram of 2c-e, worth roughly 600-700 bucks. I got excited as this has been a drug I have been trying to find for about 6 months now. I immediately brought this to my room and scaled out 0.025, which is ALOT.

Then I snorted it. This was one of the most painful experiences of my life. It felt like razor blades slicing the inside of my nose. I sat there and felt the effects slowly take over. At first all I felt was my body starting to buzz, like a low pitched humming sound through my skin. I went and looked in the mirror and stared at myself for a little while, then I started hallucinating like crazy. Whenever anything moved, it left a trail of light behind it. My thoughts started not making sense and the only thing I could think was 'this can't be real. This is too intense.' all of a sudden the walls and all of my surroundings started to breathe. The walls were contracting and expanding, similar to the effects of shrooms.

My dad then came in my room, and I tried to act as normal as possible. I started cleaning like crazy because in order to leave my house my room had to be spotless, and I knew that if I stayed in there longer than I was screwed. For some reason he brought me some pizza and then just left. I ate 2 slices of it, and this was a big mistake.

I turned on the shower and immediately went in despite the fact that it was not yet heated, but I didnt notice. While sitting in the shower watching the walls pulse, an incredible urge to sit down came over me. So I sat down, and all of a sudden threw up all of the pizza I had just eaten. After I finally cleaned my puke from my body and the shower I got out and called my friend to see if he wanted to hang out, and left for his house. He lived next door so I just walked down my driveway and met him outside.
He had never been with me when I was high off of anything but weed so he thought I was just stoned. For some reason I agreed to wrestle with him (I wrestle for the school team, so it wasn't anything gay). While we were wrestling it looked like he was shaking and wiggling in a seizure-esque way and he completely destroyed me. After hanging out and talking for a half hour or so I decided to leave and walked back home.

As soon as I got home I lay in bed and was still tripping really hard. I turned on my radio and tuned it to christian radio (the only station I listen to) and just fell into an emotional train ride. All I could think was how messed up my life was and how the only person who could help me was god. I prayed for literally 30 minutes somehow.

After this I decided to call my girlfriend. I was being extremely depressed and somewhat suicidal. She has only smoked weed before so she couldn't fathom how intense this drug was. She thought the way I was acting was funny and for some reason this made me upset. We never do this, but we talked for about an hour about life and philosophy and religion and the mistakes that I have made, etc.

My experience with 2c-e had enlightened me. After that day I did it probably 6 more times. I still long for it psychologically and honestly may never stop.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91388
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jun 10, 2018Views: 868
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2C-E (137) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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