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Unusual Activity
Modafinil (Modalert)
Citation:   A Man. "Unusual Activity: An Experience with Modafinil (Modalert) (exp91435)". Jun 11, 2011.

100 mg   Modafinil
When I woke up, I noticed the Modafinil pills had arrived. I took a half, since was going to be my first time.

My plan was to go to a symposium right after. When I arrived I was still myself, a little bit of anxiety took over because I just took something that I have never taken before. While sitting on the chair and listening to many different stories, suddenly I feel something coming up. I was getting really heavy, and my heart rate was going up. Kind of anxiety attack. Every time I started breathing out, I felt a rush. This continued for about 15-30 minutes. At one point I didn't want to stay at the symposium at all, I just left while they were still going on to go for a walk outside. Then I decided to go back again. It was so hard to sit still and focus on one point, I was looking around me all the time. Then at the break I talked to a few people, I noticed I got more compassionate with people, and I also noticed that when a conversation was leading nowhere I changed the subject really fast or just walked away politely. During the come-up of the drug, my body started feeling really tired.

I didn't stay at the symposium till the end. I left to go to a friend of mine, then I went home. But before that, I went to the supermarket. And I didn't exactly know what I wanted, I was thinking really logical. And I decided to not buy some things because it will just be too much etcetera. When I was walking around in the supermarket I was getting a little bit paranoia, felt like people were watching me all the time. And also when I was outside this was the same sometimes.

It was a weird experience. I was nicer to people, I managed to do things faster instead of leaving it to be. I was feeling a higher temperature and heart rate. Some anxiety and paranoia were there too.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91435
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 11, 2011Views: 17,566
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Modafinil (217) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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