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Not a Fully Framed Picture
Citation:   The Owl. "Not a Fully Framed Picture: An Experience with 4-Methylethcathinone (exp91624)". Jan 25, 2023.

T+ 0:00
10 mg insufflated 4-Methylethcathinone
  T+ 0:10 45 mg insufflated 4-Methylethcathinone
  T+ 2:10 45 mg insufflated 4-Methylethcathinone
This is a bitter-sweet drug. We did this in the street, in a quiet area, using estimated doses to snort. I went first, and had a small amount. I didn't feel much of anything at all as we walked around to see if I was going to die from whatever it was inside that bag (it was marketed as 'Bethedrone' and we didn't realise that it was 4MEC until much later, so this was a new drug to us!). I chalked this up to not taking much and bumped up with a larger dose. I noticed that my throat was hurting a bit, like something sharp was there. It was unpleasant but not unbearable, and it faded out after a short while. After maybe 5-10 minutes (It's really really hard to keep track of time on it) we went to look for a drink, since we had a shitload of cotton mouth. This cotton mouth problem persisted through the night. We ended up walking in a loop around a smaller supermarket looking for pop and laughing like idiots.

After that, it truly kicked in. What it mainly did to me and my friend was apparently kind of 'amplify' our thought processes a lot. Unfortunately, at the same time it also made us unspeakably paranoid (but not anxious) so we ended up just thinking bad thoughts about people we know or knew, and thinking people were thinking bad things about us, and just thinking gloomy shit most of the time. After walking in giant loops, occasionally asking each other where we were going, we proceeded to an art exhibition that we'd created exhibits for that was premiering in about ten minutes. This is about 2 hours after we'd taken the first bump so we finished the pack with a similar amount. The actual thing itself was really fun on 4MEC. I appreciated the art a lot more than I would have if I was sober. Things I had laughed at for being weak exhibits when they were being set up took on a whole new meaning on MEC. I could almost feel an aura of the effort put into the things radiating from them into me. I felt a bit guilty that I'd laughed before.

I was really really hot about this time. I thought it might have just been the rooms, but I was even hot outside in 3 degree C weather. Later on, I checked and my skin was REALLY hot, like I had an all-round fever, except for in my hands and feet. I was sweating a lot because of this throughout the day, and had to constantly drink water to stay cool and ward off the cotton-mouth effect. The combination of the drug and the sweat probably led me to smell less than pleasant.

At 9PM, 5 hours after I had taken the first bump and 3 after the final bump, all energy left me and I was left bone tired and longing to go home. However, this was to be my own small slice of hell for the next 5 hours - I was unable to fall asleep, and I was incredibly flushed. Eventually I did fall asleep.

Today is the morning after - I have had no appetite since taking it around 24 hours ago, and it is difficult for me to eat. I'm also experiencing some mild stomach issues. However, hangover is almost non-existent.

In conclusion, I wouldn't take this unless I were sure I was going to have a happy day, and even then take about half of what we did. Instead of making me happy, it skyrocketed my current state of mind. I was going to be saying goodbye to a lot of people I knew that day, which led me to feel lonely, melancholy and introspective - good to find meaning in art but not very good for making small talk. Keep it to the raves/solitary artistic endevours.

A summary:

1. Left me feeling zippy and mentally aware.
2. A lot of things were funny.
3. I could buy it from many Internet retailers.
4. Very strong. It lasted much longer than I thought it would.

1. Causes a pain in the back of the throat and a stiff neck at the start. This may or may not go away after a few minutes.
2. Very hard to keep track of time.
3. Causes hot flushes - this can be unbearable
4. Can cause much sadness.

[doses are estimates]

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91624
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 25, 2023Views: 345
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4-Methylethcathinone (544) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), General (1)

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