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10 Years On It
Citation:   Notme. "10 Years On It: An Experience with Tramadol (exp91729)". Aug 29, 2011.

  oral Pharms - Tramadol (daily)
I started taking Tramadol after my doctor decided it would be a good alternative to Vicoden for my neck and peripheral nerve pain in my left arm. Apparently he thought that the Vicoden was too addictive and I would need long term pain management.

I had trouble taking the Tramadol at first because it upset my stomach so much but I lost 25lbs and this made me very happy so I stuck with it. I never really got 'high' from these pills but I did get a feeling of increased energy and often would get muscle and head aches.

After the first six months I found I needed more to get the same results so I had my doc up my dosage and he started writing for 90 day supplies. The first time I ran out 5 days before my new prescription came in the mail I was in pretty bad shape. I had horrific restless leg, didn’t sleep for two days and then only slept because I drank myself to sleep. I had chills, sweating, auditory hallucinations, nausea and a terrible crawling sensation in my spine that would not go away. I ended up going to the ER for relief. They thought I was nuts and gave me Haldol which only made it worse.
I have experienced withdrawal from Hydrocodone and other opiates before and it is a drop in the bucket compared with Tramadol withdrawal. I can’t believe any health care professional would think that this drug is less addictive than traditional opiates. I have tried to stop this medication several times over the last 7 years and have been unsuccessful due to the severe withdrawal that for me has lasted as long as 15 days before I gave up and resumed taking Tramadol. Taking other opiate medication, such as Hydrocodone or morphine, really helps with the flu-like withdrawal symptoms but not the rest.

I am currently down to 25mg every 6 hours, but if I am late on taking that dose by even a few hours my withdrawal symptoms come back. I can’t seem to get any lower than that. My doctor thinks I should stay on the drug at this point, but I really want off it.

I am also having low blood pressure problems and heart palpitations which I attribute to the long-term Tramadol use since there is absolutely no history of heart trouble like this in my family.
Just my opinion, but if you have a choice don’t start with this drug. Too addictive, to many side effects, and not very well studied yet.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 91729
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Aug 29, 2011Views: 13,115
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Medical Use (47), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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