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Like Being Drunk and Having the Flu
Tetrahydroharmine, Harmala Alkaloids & Cannabis
Citation:   Drunken Flue. "Like Being Drunk and Having the Flu: An Experience with Tetrahydroharmine, Harmala Alkaloids & Cannabis (exp91758)". Dec 3, 2022.

T+ 0:00
  oral Tetrahydroharmine
  T+ 3:00   oral Harmala Alkaloids
  T+ 3:00   repeated smoked Cannabis
A few weeks ago I managed to get some Harmaline/Harmine freebase and THH (Tetrahydroharmine).

I was gonna try the Harmaline/Harmine with a friend the coming weekend but there was a change of plans and he couldn't come over. That night a close friend of mine wanted to hang out and some of our mutual friends wanted to come over. I had already told my close friend that I was gonna try Harmaline that night since my previous plans had changed. I had been experimenting with THH for about a week with very little effect until this night, I took twice the amount I usually take.
I had been experimenting with THH for about a week with very little effect until this night, I took twice the amount I usually take.
For me THH has always only lasted about an hour and a half.

I met up with me friends and we drove back to my house (we took a detour so it took like almost 2 hours to get there) and when I got home I noticed I was getting some visuals as well as the nice euphoria I've heard of people getting from THH.

You know how when your really tired and you turn on a light and then turn it off or you blink and you sorta see an outline of everything for a split second, I was getting that superimposed over everything. After about 20 minutes the body euphoria and the visuals went away.

About half an hour after those visuals died down and the effects of THH went away I decided to dose myself out some Harmaline (it was actually Harmaline and Harmine). I took it and nothing happened for like an hour, during with we did some waterfall hits of weed and just kinda sat around.

By the time the Harmaline kicked in I had almost forgotten I even took it and I was higher than a kite. I started getting CRAZY visuals, VERY similar to THH but everything was rippling. We were outside and I was just looking at the table and things started to ripple like crazy!

After a few minutes I started to get this intense stomach ache and get a little nauseous. At that point one of my friends went inside to lie down and I decided to follow and lie down on the floor (she took over the couch), that's when things started to get more intense, the nausea started to get almost unbearable but lying down definitely helped a lot.

I don't exactly remember why, but I got up for some reason and immediately the nausea intensified so badly that I had to go to the bathroom and throw up. It was horrible and my head was throbbing. Every time my vision shifted, so did the visuals which hurt my eyes and my head a lot.

I pretty much spent the rest of the time lying down. At some point I was talking to my close friend about the trip and how the lights in the living room were really tripping me out. Whenever I moved my eyes it hurt but whenever I just gazed at something, EVERYTHING ELSE turned into line drawings and then the lines faded away, leaving just the point I was staring at until I tried to look away.

I had to get up again to throw up and when I got back to the living room my closest friend wanted to watch TV (which was in my room). I went to my room with him and as he was looking at videos and flipping through channels. I was starting to feel VERY drunk at this point now as well as tripping like crazy. I couldn't see straight at all. My friend found nothing on TV so, with great difficulty I followed him back into the living room and layed back down where I was before.

Throughout this whole trip I kept feeling like my heartbeat was speeding up more and more. This is not a new symptom, I get this every so often on psychedelics and usually its all in my head. Every time it started to hurt or feel like it was beating WAY too fast I would measure by heart rate by feeling the pulse on my wrist, it wasn't nearly as fast as it felt (again, not unusual but this time it just made my stomach ache worse).

It finally got to the point where EVERYTHING was having an adverse effect on me, my friends playing the keyboard, the lights in the living room, the violently rippling visuals. Closing my eyes eased the massive head ache and eye aches a tiny bit and lying down definitely helped with the nausea but I was just getting more and more sick and it seemed like to me I was shaking a lot.

At around 2 my friends started getting ready to leave so I sat up which upset my stomach just enough to make me lie down again. After a few minutes I tried again and was able to stand it for a few minutes. This whole process was really slow, no one was in any hurry to leave so I didn't feel too bad. I definitely didn't feel like I could walk but after maybe 20 minutes I tried.

I walked them to the front door (which was only a few steps from where I was lying) and said goodbye. I REALLY wanted to lie down again but I was determined to tidy up first, lock the door, clean up everything (I found out much later that I failed at doing this rather badly).

As soon as I walked across the living room nausea hit really badly. I almost threw up right then and there but I struggled, drunkenly stumbled and half ran to the bathroom (ran in this sense is more like attempting to walk really fast while feeling really drunk, I almost slipped twice and almost puked on myself once).

After throwing up I went to lie down but as soon as my head hit the pillow I realized I couldn't stand the light in my room so I staggered over to the lightswitch and turned it off before stumbling back into bed.

I still had to close my eyes because the visuals were hurting my eyes and my head really badly. As I lay there I could hear voices as if coming from outside (the driveway is right outside my window) and I thought my friends might be having trouble with the car but I REALLY didn't want to move. I started to hear knocking like someone was knocking on the door, I heard their voices coming both from the driveway and the back yard (there's a sliding door in my room giving a view of the back yard) but when I looked out no one was there.

I finally got up, forced myself to the front door (all the way across the house) and opened to check but they had already left. I closed and locked the door and lazily, drunkenly, nauseatingly made my way back to bed.

I kept trying soooo hard to sleep but I couldn't. Stomach hurt way too badly, head felt like it was going implode. I texted my friend asking if he knew how to kill a harmaline trip (if anyone would know, it would be him) but he didn't know.

At this point I did something kinda stupid to try and kill the trip. I took Passionflower (which usually helps me sleep) but I had completely forgotten that Passionflower has a little bit of Harmaline in it. I also took some Niacin hoping it would sober me up faster and two pills of 5-HTP hoping it would normalize me a little.

I never actually slept but I did seem to slip into this weird trance where I felt trapped in my own stomach. I kept getting nonsensical CEVs of straight lines and those lines rippling and vibrating.

When the sun finally rose I felt horrible, visuals going insane, eyes hurt really bad, head hurt even worse. I couldn't sit up or stand up without feeling intense waves of nausea. When I finally forced myself up I found I had left a sliding door to the back porch wide open (we sorta have two yards, one connected to my room and one connected to the living room, this door was in the living room) and while I was in that weird trance a stray cat had snuck in. It freaked out and started running around when I closed the door so I opened it and let the cat out. I had left EVERYTHING we used on the table on the porch (pipe, bottle was used for waterfalls, cup my friend was using as an ash tray). I left a bunch of books and (for some reason) a salt shaker on the floor in the living room.

I couldn't stand and walk around for more than 10 minutes (I timed.. nerdy, I know) without getting horribly nauseous. Light still hurt my eyes intensely so I kept having to go back to bed.

I eventually had to force myself up because I had some rather important plans (unfortunately I later found out I had the days confused) and I forced myself to be at least a tiny bit functional. All day long I had this horrible hangover (which is exactly like an alcohol hangover). I've only had one hangover worse than this one but this was terrible. Light hurt, noise hurt (music didn't strangely enough), I still felt high but the wrong kind of high. I'm lucky the visuals finally died down about half an hour before I left home.

I could have sworn I threw up a little on the hallway floor outside the bathroom but when I got home to clean up and took a closer look I couldn't find any evidence of it anywhere.

After this experience, I'm taking a little break from drugs. Going cold turkey on everything I've been taking (Been taking unisom to help me sleep and been smoking weed with friends for the past few months... and been experimenting with Calea), even herbal supplements (I was taking Rhodiola for depression and Passionflower occasionally for sleep problems).

The confusing thing is, I haven't had much of an appetite before this experience so I hadn't eaten much but I threw up a lot. I'm surprised I had anything to throw up and I don't remember seeing any bile.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91758
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 3, 2022Views: 403
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Tetrahydroharmine (473), Harmala Alkaloids (76) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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