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Better than MDMA
Citation:   Kevdog. "Better than MDMA: An Experience with MDAI & 5-APB (exp91769)". Oct 7, 2012.

100 mg oral MDAI (capsule)
  60 mg oral 5-APB (capsule)
Let's skip my history because it’s a long one. I have tried most everything in most every form, except IV, more than once and would call myself a very experienced user.
Now for the fun.

I procured 1000mg MDAI and a small 100mg 5-APB, of which actually contained 120mg :) Any way me and my girl decided a little experiment was in order. I quickly weighed out two capsules containing 100mg MDAI and 60mg 5-APB.

0:00- Swallowed our goodies while just hang at my house. I got them and told her what it was and she was just as interested to try. So with that, down our hatches.

0:15- Both us can feel a little heat in our bodies not like being hot but warm with joy. We talked listened to music and chilled.

0:50- Before I knew it the most wonderful sensation knocked me on my bed. Laying there with my girl I could feel me body high go from 0 to 10000. The most amazing rush crept over me.

1:20- Floored. Total euphoria and ego softening. Touch was not as amazing as mdma but the emotion was so strong, just rolling around in pillows created a total body orgasm but in my mind. No tingles in my extremities but total euphoria. At this point time goes out the window. All I know is we dropped at 5pm and were on the best one till 3am.

?:??- Everything is great feels like my first ever roll but so clean. Me and my girl talk for hours. We laughed, we cried, made love, and we explored each other. I feel with this substance there is no ego. Only truth. I had a secret addiction to heroin, told her and she helped me get over it. Not only did it actually help me but was wonderful.

I have to say this is a great one, not too harsh but so good. Only problem I had was sleeping but that only lasted like two hours. All in all I LOVED IT. Highly recommended for taking with a loved one.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 91769
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 7, 2012Views: 22,592
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5-APB (561), MDAI (499) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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