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I Only Use It About Once Per Month
Methocarbamol & Ibuprofen
Citation:   Saddict. "I Only Use It About Once Per Month: An Experience with Methocarbamol & Ibuprofen (exp91840)". Jun 26, 2018.

9 g oral Methocarbamol (pill / tablet)
  1.8 g oral Pharms - Ibuprofen (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
General Report After Several Experiences

I've had dozens of experiences with the chemical methocarbamol (MCM, my own abbreviation, not an official abbreviation).

My experiences with it are all from the brand Robaxacet, with their Robax Platinum pills, which contain 500mg MCM and 200mg ibuprofen each. Robaxacet also makes pills with either acetaminophen or acetecilic acid (aspirin) in place of the ibuprofen, but from what I've read online, ibuprofen is the least dangerous of these 3 pain relievers to ingest in large quantities, so I stick with the Robax Platinums.

I used to take smaller doses, usually 10 to 12 pills (5 - 6 grams MCM) but nowadays I always take 9 grams, all 18 pills that come in the package. The feeling derived from the high is the same, just more intense, as I would expect from most chemicals. There aren't different plateaus of highs, as Dextromethorphan users may be familiar with.

I take all 18 pills (9 grams) at the same time, over the course of about 5 minutes. I swallow them with a drink, like any normal pill swallowing. The pills are rather large, so it takes a few swallows, usually 3 to 5 pills at a time.

I begin to notice the effects 15 minutes after ingestion if I haven't had a meal recently, and as long as 50-60 minutes post-ingestion if I have eaten recently. The first telltale sign that I'm feeling the effects is a sensation of pins and needles in my tongue and lips. If you've had Novocaine (a local anesthetic) at the dentists office before, this is a similar feeling.

Once I notice the tongue numbing, the high reaches its peak very quickly, usually within the next 10 to 15 minutes. I find that it is extremely similar to to a strong alcohol drunk, with a few minor alterations. I find my vision seems more blurred on MCM than alcohol, but there is no sensation that the room or my vision are spinning. The effect on balance is relatively similar, in that it is greatly reduced. Also, I find that there is a very similar effect on the lowering of inhibitions, for example, It makes me want to talk about how great everything is, or how high I feel, or what a kick-ass person my girlfriend is, stuff like that. Given the lack of balance, I usually spend the next hour watching TV, typically Ultimate Fighting Championship DVDs, and talk about how crazy that last submission attempt or punch-combo was.

I find the peak generally lasts 45 to 75 minutes, probably based on how much food was in my stomach at the time of ingestion. I always make sure to have some food and drink on hand, so that I don't have to try stumbling around the kitchen during the peak, which could prove dangerous (it REALLLLY reduces my balance, I can't stress this enough). Nothing fancy, usually just some juice and popcorn. I don't feel it's a safety concern to have food and drink on hand during a methocarbamol trip, like it would be for a 3,4-metheylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) trip, but just like alcohol makes things like pretzels and chicken wings so awesome, MCM definitely calls for some snacking to occur.

MCM is very easy to sleep on, and after the first 60 - 90 minutes, that's usually what ends up happening to me. Times that I do stay awake, I find that the intensity of the trip diminishes at about the same rate that it initially comes up. Once I begin to notice the trip is weakening, around that 60 - 90 minute mark, it takes only about an hour to be baseline sober-ish again. At this point however, the last lingering effects take a good 3 to 5 hours to taper away, and I still treat myself as high during this period, avoiding things like driving or using knives, etc.

There is no 'being-full-of-liquid' sensation that I get from drinking alcohol, and the hangover the next day is far less intense, but I do notice that I'm usually in not the greatest mood till after I've had a shower and something to eat.

Some thoughts:

1: the 9-gram dose that I take is very large, also, I'm kind of a large guy. I've felt high off as little as 3 grams of MCM, albeit a far less intense high. I started with a low dose and worked my way up. It was much better to have a few trips that were not as intense as I might have enjoyed than to jump right off into the deep end without really knowing what I was getting myself into. Remember, this report is only my own personal experience.

2: I DO NOT DRIVE ON MCM. I will be honest when I say that I've driven a car while high on marijuana, cocaine, and MDMA. I definitely do not drive on MCM. It is extremely incapacitating, much more than even alcohol is, and driving on it would be EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Having given a thorough report on it, I feel it is my duty to stress this. If you drive while high on methocarbamol you will kill yourself and likely you will kill innocent people as well. Please don't do it.

That being said, I also avoid using knives in the kitchen, using appliances with spinning blades, or anything else that just doesn't seem like a good idea to do while you're really high.

3: I don't know of any medication that contains only methocarbamol, but that would probably be safer in the long run than using one that comes with ibuprofen like I do. DON'T use pills with acetecilic acid (aspirin) or acetaminophen in large doses. I've read this can be dangerous for your liver.

4: Short-term tolerance builds up to high levels with MCM. If I use MCM 2 days in a row, the second day the effects are greatly diminished. I only use it about once per month, and I find my tolerance never changes using it at this pace. This is important to me, because I always know what to expect.

5: MCM does not make a good drug for day-tripping. I mean this in the sense that I find it rather draining, and there's nothing I want to do more towards the end of the trip than lie down and take an 8-hour power nap. It's an 'end-of-the-day' drug.


In spite of what other reports I've read on Methocarbamol, I find that there is definitely a sensation of euphoria that comes with large doses of MCM. It's effects can be very mild, to very intense, depending on the dose and the amount of food in my stomach. The effects come on quickly, last for a short while, then taper off at a relatively quick rate. It is a chemical that I enjoy and will continue to use at my regular rate of approximately once per month.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91840
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 26, 2018Views: 6,832
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