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Sailor's Tobacco
Citation:   WormwoodRaven. "Sailor's Tobacco: An Experience with Mugwort (exp92061)". Jun 19, 2020.

  repeated smoked Mugwort (dried)
Things to note:
At the time of this incident, I had only been what I consider to be truly high one time (the first time I had ever smoked 'dank', or a high quality bud), and had only smoked cannabis a few times before smoking the bud of high quality. So, you could say that, at the time, I was inexperienced in any psychoactive drugs, excluding tobacco.

I had received the mugwort leaves from a dear friend of mine who had the herb growing in abundance in her yard. I had been researching psychoactives for a short amount of time, and had come across something saying that mugwort was a herb capable of inducing vivid dreams. Considering how life changing and amazing I found my cannabis experience, I was extremely determined and excited to see what mugwort's potential was.

I told my friend of mugwort's psychoactive properties, considering he was a long time user of cannabis, and experienced in these sort of things, and he agreed to be a part of my little experiment. We had planned to mix the mugwort into the cannabis, but unfortunately, our green reservoir was drier than bone. So we decided to try it on its own. These bowls are only spread apart by a few minutes.

First Bowl:
No apparent effects, but my friend is starting to say he feels different. Not high, but different. I dismiss this as a placebo effect.

Second Bowl:
I feel slightly relaxed, but nothing of substantial difference. The mugwort has a marshmallow taste, but this could just be carbon or something. My friend and I begin discussing life, politics, spirituality. Nothing profound occurs.

Third Bowl:
My friend has decided that he will abstain from smoking any mugwort until he had cannabis to smoke it with. I finish the bowl with no differences in immediate reality. I decided to finish off the mugwort and smoke a fourth bowl.

Fourth Bowl:
I feel pleasant, but this is how I normally feel. Mugwort does not appear to have any immediate waking effects
I feel pleasant, but this is how I normally feel. Mugwort does not appear to have any immediate waking effects
, but I have yet to test its dream potential. I realize that I have had this mugwort since autumn, and at the time it is almost summer, so it could be bad or unusable.

I can honestly say that I didn't experience anything different in my waking, but I noticed that my dreams were more vivid and odd: it seemed as if I was looking at the top of a forest with a telescope, and my 'in-dream depth perception' was really off. My friend also experienced a vivid dream, which he found odd, since he hardly ever dreams at all, and never usually remembers.

I did enjoy the smoke, however, and I will most likely use this again.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92061
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2020Views: 2,072
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Mugwort (292) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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