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Possibly the Greatest Feeling in the World
Citation:   Amber. "Possibly the Greatest Feeling in the World: An Experience with 2C-I (exp92402)". Apr 15, 2017.

T+ 0:00
  oral 2C-I
  T+ 11:00 3 hits oral LSD
First Time with 2C-I

While this was my first time taking 2ci, it was not my first trip. I had taken LSD previous to this experience 11 times. As an art student, I was very curious about psychedelics. 2ci may just be the greatest experience of my life.

I should also mention that before ingesting the pill, I hadn't eaten much in several days, and had not taken psychedelics in over a month. I did roll the day before, although I’m not sure if this changed anything.

The pill took a long time to kick in, more than an hour. Another important thing to note, is that mind set seems to be far less important with 2ci than with mushrooms or LSD. Before taking the 2ci, I was pretty nervous about it. I almost didn’t take it because I worried that my stress was going to cause a bad trip. The first thing I felt as the pill began to affect me was a deep relaxation.

During the next hour of coming up, colors began to look more vivid, the ground began to swirl, I felt lighter, and I felt significantly nauseous. While I was used to LSD nausea and knew that it would never cause me to throw up, I did, during this hour, bring myself a bucket in case I were to throw up. I never did throw up.

Luckily, unlike LSD or mushroom nausea, the 2ci nausea seems to disappear completely after about the first hour. This is when the hallucinations get really intense. The dose taken affected not only the intensity of the trip, but also the length.

After the nausea is gone, sense of time is completely lost. Time passes very, very slowly, which is a good thing. Not only do colors become vivid, but new colors appear. Patterns appear that are not present over other patterns. While looking at my blanket (striped with thick and thin very colorful stripes) I began to see star-shaped patterns in some areas, so convincing that I had to really focus and move my blanket around to determine whether they were really there or not.

From the beginning of the trip, I experienced some shivering, but not so intense like with rolls. I found myself moving a lot, also because I had a lot of energy and also because the sensation of rubbing my feet/arms around in my bed felt very good.

WARNING this is VERY important!!
For some reason, while taking this substance, I became VERY VERY HONEST. Drunk Dialing doesn’t touch this! I had intended to take it and act normal when my mother would arrive home, I did not plan on anyone knowing I was tripping. I had done so before with acid many times and had no trouble with it. In my experience, this is really not possible with this substance. Only forty five minutes or so into my trip, I sent a text message to my mother alerting her to the fact that I had taken some drug called 2ci
I sent a text message to my mother alerting her to the fact that I had taken some drug called 2ci
, and that I was in my bedroom listening to music, and that my friends were going to be coming over later.

Even though I had told my mom about the situation, and I was in no state to see my friends, there was never a sense of a “bad trip.” The feeling of the 2ci is possibly the greatest feeling in the world. As the hallucinations continued to increase in intensity, music also became increasingly pleasing to listen to. There was a definite feeling of euphoria, a relaxed state where I felt like nothing could go wrong.

With LSD there is sometimes the feeling that there is something watching me. Either that there is something in my peripheral vision, or behind me, or just that the walls are watching me. It’s usually an intimidating feeling, and can be sort of frightening. With 2ci, there is this factor as well, but in a good way. I felt as though the walls were supporting me. I felt as though I was surrounded by kind spirits that were laughing, smiling, playing instruments and accompanying me. They looked like those African American statues made out of wood that are usually exaggerated in proportions.

At the peak of the trip, hallucinations were very intense, I could still tell apart reality and my imagination, but I was living inside of a perfect world that revolved around me. The half eaten loaf of bread that was laying on my desk became a soft and very beautiful jellyfish, my bed appeared to me as a short marble spiral staircase, and I lay in a throne on top of it. My walls behind me and in my peripherals were an aquarium of exotic fish and corals. My bookshelf was twisted and color was bursting out of it, spilling out like waterfalls and seeping out all around.

It should be noted that for the entirety of the trip, maintaining a conversation was quite difficult. There are several reasons to this, the first is that the attention span was significantly reduced, and it was hard to remain on the same topic. Also, 2ci made me feel very introverted. Not that I didn’t care about other people, but my world revolved around me, and it just didn’t seem very important to me to explain what I saw to other people. This, to me, is very different from LSD where I always want to explain what I see and to hear about how others are feeling.

Another interesting note about the differences between 2ci and LSD is that with LSD, I often felt like the people I knew looked very different. People’s faces were twisted and they would look either scary or just a lot uglier. This wasn’t present with the 2ci, while my world was very different, people appeared pretty much the same.

My trip lasted about 11 hours, I’m not exactly sure what the dose that I took was. When my trip wore off, I took another 3 hits of LSD, but the effects were noticeably diminished. The LSD brought back some of the effects of the 2ci and also added its own different effects, but lasted less time and was far less intense that it would have been, so there may be some cross tolerance.

Overall, 2ci is like a candy-flip, combining the feel-good serotonin rush, body tingles, energy, music appreciation, and sex drive/sensitivity of MDMA with the wonder, hallucination, and philosophical effects of LSD and other psychedelics. It is easily the most enjoyable experience I have ever had in my life, but is not a drug to be underestimated. It is powerful and certainly changed my behavior.

I did not experience any discomfort after the nausea. There was no hangover or any lasting drowsiness post trip, besides the natural sleepiness from staying up for a long time.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92402
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 15, 2017Views: 2,292
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2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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