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Doctor's Orders
Citation:   LowDoseR. "Doctor's Orders: An Experience with DOC (exp92569)". Dec 6, 2016.

T+ 0:00
  oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:00 0.25 hits sublingual DOC (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 0.25 hits sublingual DOC (blotter / tab)
  T+ 9:00 400 mg oral Pharms - Ibuprofen (pill / tablet)
Before taking the DOC (2,5-DIMETHOXY-4-CHLOROAMPHETAMINE), I read the Doc entry from Phikal & The Good, The Bad, The Ugly experiences. Of the first one I remember it's a long lasting trip, of the last I mostly remember the highly erotic potential of the substance. I read and gathered information through friends that have experienced the substance, before blindly taking it. Important to know is that DOC takes time to kick in (2 hours) and it takes a very long time to wear off. I took a mild dose and even then it lasted almost 24 hours. The next day I was ok to drive and communicate, but I wouldn't want to work or do anything stressful the day after. Tripping for nearly 24 hours, although fun, is also draining of my energy reserves.

It was a hot summer day, my friends & I went to an open-air psytrance festival. The festival started saterday afternoon and the music went on playing throughout the night till sunday evening. The location was beautiful as always. Located on a hill with splendid views over the valleys on one side and a forest on the other side. This was the fourth time I attended this festival (it's a yearly recurring event) so I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew what to expect and what to do in case of emergency (going for a hike through the neighboring fields or exploring the forest is always a nice way to escape the crowds). I was in good company and it was a very nice day. After setting up camp we went to check out the dancefloor. I was planning on doing mushrooms early in the evening, the DOC was optional, depending on my mood when the mushrooms would wear off (I have years of experience with mushrooms and I notice that using them 3 to 4 times a year my body has built up a tolerance. The mushrooms don't provoke the same mind-shattering experience as they did 3 years ago. Instead it's more of a pleasant relaxing vibe with the occasional outbursts of enthusiasm. While most people can't handle mushrooms in a very hostile and crazy environment like a party or festival, I have extensive experience dealing with these types of situations while shrooming. It's my favorite party drug.)

T-7h: At around 18PM I prepared a bottle of pastis, which is a alcoholic liqour you mix with water. This is my favorite drink for parties on shrooms. While mushrooms on their own can be very relaxing, with the pastis I get more energy to dance and party. Also, the alcohol and anise flavor tend to ease the stomach when it gets upset from the mushrooms. So from this point I started drinking alcohol.

T-6h: Started eating shrooms (Cubensis McKennaii), one at a time. The shrooms were very blue when bruised, so I suspected them to be extremely potent. In total I ate roughly 8 small shrooms and 1 larger one in a timespan of about 4 hours. (no exact dosage in grams, I'm sorry) Occasionally drinking from the bottle of pastis. The party is nice, music is good and I have a lot of fun with my friends. Due to my tolerance for psilocibine the shrooms are nice but it's under control (although I ate quite a lot of them).

T: Between 1AM and 2AM I decide to take the DOC. My friend gave me 2 quarters of one white blotter (dosage unknown), one of which he held on his tongue for no more than 4 seconds before removing it (On a previous trip, after taking 3 quarters of one blotter, he said it tasted really bitter.) Possibly the active ingredient on that quarter was partly absorbed by the saliva on his tongue. At this point it was unclear which of the two it was. I took one quarter of a blotter, left it under my tongue until the paper 'dissolved'. Swallowed the remainder.
T+1h: Redosed, took the other quarter, same as before, left it dissolve under my tongue. So now I have ingested one half of a blotter.

T+2h: Party is still going strong, at this point it's hard to distinguish between different effects of the different substances but I am aware of a slight shift in consciousness, most probable it's the DOC kicking in. It feels a bit like waking up, the mind is clear. I start craving for food, especially something sweet.
I start craving for food, especially something sweet.
I want to have a pancake but can't find a stand that serves pancakes so I go for a greasy hamburger instead (in the morning my friends tell me the pancake stand was right in front of the dancefloor. It had a big sign saying 'pancakes'. I totally missed it…) Ordering the hamburger is easy. While communicating on shrooms can be problematic at times, on DOC it's not a real issue (as I will find out later). Eating is easy. The hamburger tastes good.

T+3h: It's 4AM, we go to the chillout tent to rest a bit and talk. We've been partying for 10 hours now so I'm getting a bit tired, despite the DOC kicking in. After half an hour we return to the dancefloor and dance. I like the music, it's dark and aggressive but funky. I'm noticing a lot of sexual energy waking up inside me. My standard mode of consciousness is horny, the shrooms and alcohol intensified it and now with the DOC it's getting even worse (when I'm on LSD, I get visions of big breasted women engaging in all sorts of sexual interactions & positions). I had read the The Good, The Bad, The Ugly up to the point where she (I presume) writes having like 12 orgasms and this had been going through my mind throughout the entire evening. I feel aroused, fueled by the substances and all the girls dancing around me.

T+4h: There's a new DJ coming on and I don't like the first song he's playing. I decide to call it a night and go crash in my tent for a bit because I'm tired. At this point I stopped drinking alcohol for the remainder of the DOC trip. I'm also really horny at this point and would love to take a girl with me to explore the erotic potential of this substance, but I don't want to cheat on my girlfriend (who was not here with me). I also don't want to go through chatting up to someone, wasting energy trying to get them inside my tent. It can also be a major psychedelic turnoff if she's on a totally different level. So I decide to go for the auto-erotic experience. Back in the tent I undress and slide naked into my sleeping bag. Touching myself is pleasant but there's no real erection. In a romantic moment I decide to text my girlfriend, saying I miss her. On my cellphone I can see it's 5.30AM. I'm hungry so I eat some raw celery. I gently fall asleep.

T+8h I wake up, it started raining outside. The sound of the rain on my tent is pleasant. The droplets gently sliding down the canvas are pleasing to watch. I am still horny, and now I have these erotic CEV's, but only vague, almost subconsciously. I still find it's pleasant to touch myself. The liquor from the night before has worn off and I have a major headache now.
T+9h I can hear my friends sitting outside so I get up. I take 400mg of Ibuprofen to fight the headache and start eating. Celery, bread, bananas. Food goes down easily. No noticeable hallucinations or psychedelic rush. Just a clear mind.
T+10h The rain stopped and clear blue sky returns. The wind is picking up and I decide to let my kite up in the air. The wind is not as strong as I like it to be for kiting but I'm having fun. By now the sun is really heating up the place and it feels like it's getting to my head.

T+11h I feel lightheaded, low blood-pressure, so I lay down in the shade. The psychedelic experience is subtle but it appears to be increasing. I suspect the Ibuprofen is interacting with the DOC (and possibly the alcohol and shrooms I took earlier), that's why my blood pressure is going down. I try to rest and maybe sleep a little. Although refreshing to lay down, it's difficult to stay down, occasionally opening my eyes and talking with friends.

T+12h Just next to me I discover a four-leave clover, which is considered to bring good luck. This only confirms the feeling I am having, everything is in the right place at the right time. I am comfortable in this situation, wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I have the feeling the DOC is still coming on, I haven't reached the peak yet. It's a beautiful sunny day and I enjoy the view from our campsite. I really enjoy being here, at this moment in time.

T+13h We slowly start breaking down our tents and camp because weather forecast predicts rain in the afternoon and we want to be packed & ready when it happens. Not much trouble organizing everything but I find it hard to concentrate, so it takes a bit longer than usual. Still I have the feeling that the DOC is not ready to wear off. When someone gives me a cookie it tastes really special, with an smokey aftertaste. I am guessing this is the DOC messing with my sense of taste because my friends (who haven't taken DOC) are surprised to hear about the smoked flavor. It's just a normal cookie. I am also sensitive to sound, a bit like when I did Morning Glory (LSA) seeds years ago. It's an interesting sensation when listening to good music but becomes troublesome with unpleasant noises. Even today when I'm writing this down I still feel sensitive to sound.

T+14h People nearby are playing loud, annoying music from their car which is a real buzzkill. It's some excessively chaotic psycore which sounds like bowel movements and it's too repetitive for me to enjoy. I decide to take a walk in the woods. I realize that taking this substance is not something to take just anywhere. I am lucky I'm in nature where I can escape into the forest without people surrounding me. Control over my personal freedom (escape routes) and the people surrounding me is very important. A trip that lasts this long can get very grim when I feel trapped in a certain situation. Overdosing (> 2 mg) is only for experienced psychonauts who know what to do in case of an emergency. For any noobie wanting to try DOC (or any research chemical for that matter) I strongly recommend taking a quarter dose to start, only increasing the dosage after you've established a comfortable experience with the substance.

T+16h The rain has come and we decide to drive home. I am still too buzzed to drive safe so I let one of my friends drive my car. I'm in the backseat enjoying the scenery. The landscape is beautiful, trees are slowly moving in the wind, slight visual hallucinations. While driving I'm talking to the driver giving her directions because she's not familiar with the route and I am. I'm able to maintain coherent driving instructions, my sense of orientation is not affected. Loud music is annoying and the pressure on my ears is
T+18h We're at my friends house, I am still buzzed. Sound is still psychedelic but I have no trouble communicating with my friends. Someone prepared dinner & the taste is spectacular. Food goes down easily.
T+20h Still too buzzed to drive home so I walk home
T+20h Still too buzzed to drive home so I walk home
, leaving my car at my friends house. It's already getting dark and I'm a bit anxious walking by myself through this shady neighborhood but it's peaceful. It's a hot evening and people have their windows open. Passing by it's interesting experience hearing all the sounds coming out of windows, bikes passing by making cracky sounds, dogs barking far away. I feel relaxed and confident.
T+21h Taking a bath while listening to music.
T+22h Going to bed, sleep comes fast. Sleep is light and I wake up early in the morning. Stay in bed and sleep some more.
T+35h Get out of bed at roughly 11AM, feel lightheaded, like low blood pressure. The feeling lasts throughout the day.

T+45h In the evening, after taking 2 capsules*500mg L-Arginine, I start getting a serious headache, really mind-numbing. The headache disappears within half an hour, after taking 2 caps * 500mg L-Tryptophan. The tryptophan functions as a biochemical precursor for serotonin. The pain is gone and now my brain is clear again. A bit too clear to go to sleep right away so I watch a movie and go to bed by 2AM.

Luckily I don't have to work the next day. Went to bed during a thunderstorm, vivid dream about lightning strikes and Barack Obama and his wife (no idea why). Also jumped high off an interrupted bridge into very clear water (that was fun!). Considering the possibility of going to work by boat.(?) Woke up early next morning with the sound of thunder, apparently the thunderstorm had been going on all night :-)

T+2 days Taking DOC Saterday night, on Tuesday I find myself easily frustrated (could be the shrooms) and have difficulty focusing on one thing. Short term memory is also a bit off today. Driving a car is possible but I am easily distracted and have to be careful.

In general, I would say I had a really pleasant experience with DOC, although I am a bit worried about the light headedness/low blood pressure and the headache the day after. Could be I mixed too much… Don't mix.

The body feels clear and so does the mind. It's a natural and real feeling, nothing like the chemical acid buzz I get from LSD or 2C-B. I definitely want to try this with a girl, preferably my girlfriend, for some snuggling and such… As Shulgin said: neither anti-erotic nor anorexic. In other words, it can produce some highly erotic sensations and I was able to eat and really enjoy food while under the influence. In low dosage it's no life changing experience like mushrooms or LSD can produce, but I find DOC is easier on the body. With shrooms the stomach can get really upset (to the point of vomiting) and LSD tends to produce a annoying body sensation which DOC doesn't produce. The low dosage effect is similar to LSA (morning glory), ears are more sensitive to sound, the eyes perceive the light slightly different then usual. And just when I think it's wearing off I discover a whole new part of it. Every time I encourage myself to experience something new, it opens up a new perspective, a new sensation. If I find a suitable occasion, I will definitely try a higher dose of DOC.

Again, when trying something new (especially research chems) always start with a really small dose. If you get it in capsules don't take 2 capsules at once, no matter what your supplier says. Establish the dosage of the acquired product before ingesting it. If your supplier can not give you proper dosage info, don't take more than a quarter of one dose. Wait for the effect to kick in, DOC can take a long time to kick in (+- 2hours or more). Set and setting are important with this one, especially considering you have to be able to plan ahead at least 20 hours after ingestion. Make sure you have a designated driver who can take you home safely when you're taking this at a party.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92569
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Dec 6, 2016Views: 2,927
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DOC (357) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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