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by E.S.
Citation:   E.S.. "Silenced: An Experience with 2C-E (exp92860)". Erowid.org. Aug 13, 2021. erowid.org/exp/92860

20 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
It was just after a long day at work, me and a couple buddies decided we'd take this so called '2C-E' drug for a spin.

9:45 PM - 2 x 10mg Capsules 2C-E taken.

10:25 PM - No effects, driving to our destination.

11:15 PM - Watching TV, no effects. Starting to get chilly.

11:30 PM - Chills became colder, goosebumps out of no where.

11:40 PM - Got up out of the couch, with an extreme amount of energy. Me and my two friends decided to get up and walk around the basement of our other friends house who was watching it. It was still extremely chilly, and it kept getting colder. I decided to run around the basement in a circular motion. Probably did around 20-30 laps.

11:55 PM - Friends were up full of energy, I decided to sit down. This is when the trip was getting intense. I sat down and went into a deep thinking, I was staring at the ground for over 15 minutes. I don't remember what I was thinking of, but I managed to find a hat, and it stayed on my head for a very long time.

12:25 AM - We decided to go outside, middle of summer, the weather seemed like it was the middle of Winter. Heart was beating on out my chest, and I was having cold sweats. We looked up at the moon and it was beautiful. Something I've never experienced before. It smiled at me. My friend that was on the same dosage, around the same weight claimed he saw the grim reaper standing above the moon in a dark hood with bright red eyes.

12:45 AM - After sitting outside for almost an hour, I decided I wanted to go for a run. Whilst my friends sat on the driveway, I escaped and ran around the block. This is where it all started.

1:15 AM - I don't remember anything from here on throughout the whole night. My two friends that were on it, and my third friend that was watching us that night claimed they saw me sitting in the middle of the street talking to a mailbox. They said they came to get me and we headed back to the house, while we were walking I was supposedly sitting on the pavement in the middle of the road staring at the ground. They didn't know what was going on. They said they managed to get me up and going again.

1:30 AM - It's like I lost my ability to speak or something, but apparently it started at 1:30. I was muted.

1:50 AM - I was apparently walking around the driveway and kept bringing up the name 'Alice' through signs, by writing the letter 'A' with stones, or drawing it on the condensed glass of the minivan on the driveway. Alice was a made up ghost me and my friends used to joke around with previous to taking this drug.

2:30 AM - Friends were doing fine, I was still muted.

3:30 AM - Time to go home. We didn't make it home until around 5:00 AM.

5:00 AM - I couldn't fall asleep and I thought I was.

7:30 AM - Still awake, I decided to pull an 'all nighter' and not sleep at all.

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Biggest headache of my life, don't remember anything from last night except the basement experience.

The second experience I had was much better than this one.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92860
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 13, 2021Views: 600
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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