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Full Ego Death
by Will
Citation:   Will. "Full Ego Death: An Experience with DOI (exp92979)". Oct 19, 2020.

T+ 0:00
2 mg oral DOI (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 4 mg oral DOI (powder / crystals)
There is so much to say, and so little to say at the same time. I had a terrible ego problem that had a snowball effect from childhood trauma. Years in therapy and even trying to find therapy in chemicals never seemed to fix anything. I used to go in experiences with fear, and always seem to have 'bad trips'. Now I see that was all my ego putting up a fight, and I can't even begin to describe the beast that it was.

T-0:00 2mg of pure DOI powder on my tongue. 2-3 hours later, normal feelings of the coming up to a shroom experience, but then seemed to fade.

T-3:00 4mg of the DOI was placed after noticing little effect.

T-4-9:00 I don't know where I went, I remember facing my worst fears and seeing them for what they were; illusions. A lot of it was quite uncomfortable and painful, but then there were about 2 hours of pure bliss and joy that I have never known before.

Next morning (+16 hours) - I'm still at a 1.5* coming down from my first 4-star, life changing experience. I just hope I can hold onto this and keep my ego in check.
I just hope I can hold onto this and keep my ego in check.

These chemicals are a gift that can be abused or used in tremendous spiritual and mental healing. This experience did more than 15 years of therapy and medication ever did. These chemicals are no joke. This one gave me new life though and free'd me from 20 years in mental hell. I am very appreciative of however this chemical came across me. I do not deserve this gift I now have, but I will make it my goal to help others. My 20 years in ego prison is actually a gift, because now I can spot people in their teen's/20's who are right where I was. And I know there is a way out.

And I might not ever need to chemically induce this ego death again as I believe it is fully dead somehow. I'm VERY new to this, it just all happened before my eyes in the past 16 hours!

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92979
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Oct 19, 2020Views: 1,060
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DOI (259) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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