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They Put Me the Drunk Tank
Citation:   policeman883. "They Put Me the Drunk Tank: An Experience with Beer (exp93080)". May 9, 2019.

4 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
The Police and the U.S.A.

I tell you, they didn't even give me a sobriety test. OK. So I had a few drinks at around 22:18 and then I was at a bar and decided to go home. I thought ah SCREW IT. I'm gonna be just fine driving. I can see just fine.

I remember getting into my car, and then I was getting out of the driveway to the bar when I see blue and red flashing lights. I had just got out of the BLOODIED DRIVEWAY and they are pulling me over? I stop, and the officer comes up to me and says, 'ARE YOU DRUNK??' You were going over the speed limit which was like 50 I was going 50. He said I was going 80. I was removed from the car and Exercised my rights by not consenting to a search, and when he threatened to get the dogs I just said, 'I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY SEARCHES.' He asked me questions and I said, 'I'm going to remain silent until I talk to my lawyer. He just said, 'SCREW THAT.' I'm placing you under arrest for DUI. He handcuffed me, and threw me in the car. After that he took me to jail where they were using tunugs and other crap. This is Las Vegas Clark County Detention Center and so you know not to screw with them. I told them I was not a criminal. They put me the drunk tank and let me cool off and they used the tunug on me and then a few hours later they removed me and got me processed. They put me in a cell for a few hours and then I didn't realize this but I'd have to deal with a fine and other shit.

I was released the next day and had to pay several hundred in cash for this junk. I'm furious with the police here. UGH. So Never again will I be driving after drinking.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93080
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: May 9, 2019Views: 1,096
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Police / Customs (60), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Club / Bar (25), Post Trip Problems (8), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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