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First and Last Foxy Trip
5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis
Citation:   Player5000. "First and Last Foxy Trip: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis (exp9323)". Dec 13, 2001.

20 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (pill / tablet)
Some friends of mine scored some foxies and called me up, to see whether I'd want some. Me and my friend who lives two doors away each got one pill containing 20-22mg. We took them at around 8:30. At 9:00 I was beggining to notice myself going up slightly, but my friend still experienced nothing. We decided tripping at our houses with our parents home would not be smart, so we went to the neighborhood park.

Once we got there at around 9:30, my friend threw up extensively. Anticipating nasuea, I had swalloed some ginger extract at my house which kept my stomach relatively stable. We were walking around in the park at around 9:40 when we decided that the foxies werent going to do anything so we might as well burn some herb. After smoking a bowl on my own, I passed the pipe to my friend and started walking away from where we were smoking to get some water from a drinking fountain.

I remember thinking about how dissapointed I was that the foxies didnt work out. As I was walking away I realized that everything was moving slightly, and that there was a border of red and blue color around every object in sight. I was completely caught by suprise as I caught a rocket-ride up, it was almost like a constant noz high, + nice visuals. My friend said they reminded him alot of lsd, which I havent done.

After we smoked a few more bowls we were both tripping decently, and decided to get some food from a local mobile mart and then head home. It was around 10:00 at this time. I was perfectly happy with the experience until I got home at 10:20. I was sitting in my bathroom getting ready to take a shower when suddenly I got an intense rush and my body high atleast doubled. I was so high I couldnt see straight. Immediatly after the rush, I became extremely paranoid. At this point the high was extremely fear oriented, meaning that the entire trip became a representation of fear.

I became extremely anxious and started to pace back and forth, which didnt help at all, and continued thinking dark thoughts. It should be noted that when I started to have a bad trip was also when the ginger extract I had taken before wore off and i began to feel really sick. It was almost as if the physicall affect of nauseau took over the trip, I was terrified. I called my friend and asked him what I should do. He said that if I was sure the bad trip was coming out of the nauseau that I needed to throw up. After using the back of a toothbrush to induce it, I finally threw up, and began to settle down. The nauseau went away and I began to feel calm and in control again.

At around midnight I decided to smoke some more weed. This it turns out was a great idea and yielded the only intense but pleasurable part of the trip I had. After smoking some more bud, the leaves on all the trees around me began to sway and move, kind of blur into each other. I was feeling very euphoric at this point, and I remember some of the visuals being intense. It is now 10:00am the next morning and I havent been able to go to sleep all night. In conclusion, it was an interesting experience but was definatly not worth the negative experiences and the entire night in which I sat in my bed and waited to fall asleep.

Another interesting note, Cannabis tends to bring out the visuals in hallucinagens for me, (i.e) a few months ago me and my friend split an 8th of shroomz, not enough to do anything on its own except start an intense body high. After smoking though, the visuals came out and I tripped minorly, as opposed to not at all.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9323
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2001Views: 6,201
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5)

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