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Taken As A Shot
Citation:   Otacon. "Taken As A Shot: An Experience with DXM (exp93331)". Jan 23, 2018.

600 mg oral DXM
Last night at midnight I tried a previous posters suggestion of putting the pill forms of DXM in a glass of water so they would dissolve and be more tolerable in taste. Previously I had taken the two bottles, 40 pills worth, over the course of 2 hours. Taking 15 pills at 30 minute increments for a total dose of 600mg. Putting all 40 pills(600mg worth of DXM) into a glass of water took about 1- 1 1/2 hours to dissolve and I still had to crush some and strain into another cup to create the plastic free 'tincture'.

So, I drank it and it tasted bad but not intolerable (still had to suck on some ice cubes to fight down the after-taste) and 30-60 minutes later I was feeling it come on vice the 2-3 hours it usually takes swallowing the 40 pills (600mg) the way I used to.

Anyways, like I said I started at midnight, started feeling it around 1-1:30am as I was watching some Pixar documentary on blu-ray. I love to watch discovery/animation/animal planet anything you name it but it HAS to be on blu-ray. Hi-def, at night, comfortable couch, nothing to bug you = shaman experience.

After about 8-12 DXM trips (with only 2 vomiting/bad episodes) I prefer this method now. I never even thought about how all the plastic in the capsules would just sit in the stomach and cause you to possibly vomit.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93331
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jan 23, 2018Views: 4,255
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