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True and First Fear of Death
Citation:   Floater. "True and First Fear of Death: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp93376)". Erowid.org. Jan 20, 2016. erowid.org/exp/93376

30 mg vaporized 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I think I messed everything up I could when testing 5-MeO-DMT so I won't take this as a normal trip with this substance.

First Informations:

22y Male, 280ish lbs of weight.
At Night in my (messy) Apartment

Setting: Worked out and kinda rushed because I only have my short Weekend for research. My knowledge about analytical chemistry is wide but I learned, that this won't help me after the transition from Chemical to Biology (which was my Nose).

I had no tripsitter which came out as the worst mistake.

I was very interested in tryptamines for a long time but I never took the Chance when it was there. Mostly out of Respect or my tight schedule. Finally my interest fell on the legal(ish) research chemical drugs and I read much about the whole scene. I found some interesting Psychoactive RC's so after I read many exp-reports and chemical information I ordered some minor amounts of 4-AcO-DMT, 2C-C and the 5-MeO-DMT.

My Drug experience isn't that large. I like amphetamine and dissociatives (such as Ketamine). I never had trouble with them.

So I got my package. At weekend I decided to start with the 5-MeO-DMT. On internet threads I found out a nasal dosage of 20-25mg for an average skinny boy. Because I know about my higher tolerance from other substances and cus I'm a lardy-ass chunk I thought it wouldn't be bad to start with a higher dose.

I snorted 30mg which I weighed on a very fine scale.

It hit me after seconds. I lay myself on my bed and was hoping for a nice visual and spiritual trip. But nothing of this came. What came were the alarm signals of my body. My Heart was beating so fast I thought I gonna flatline soon. 'You hit an overdose' that came in my mind. My first reaction in overdose cases would be forced vomiting but I knew that wont help because I insufflated the substance. I just kept breathing.

'That's it. I'm gonna die' was a hot topic in my head. The substance burned in my throat and my jaw got numb. I rose and grabbed my emergency bucket because of imminent vomiting. The reflex came and my body acted on its own. But nothing came out. I couldn't stop the vomiting reflex and it became painful. I tried to calm myself down with large and slow breathing lying on my back. The vomiting reflex came again often. I felt that my Heart was on its limit. I'm sure that I whispered to myself 'I don't wanna die' many times. I thought about calling someone for help. Just calling a friend or even an ambulance only survival was in my Head but in the end I tried to calm down again. I set my mind only on my breathing for a felt hour and heartbeat finally slowed down. It may sound weird but I was really happy in this state of calming down, almost euphoric just because I got rid of this bad condition. I even giggled a bit which felt very comfortable.

The awkward part of coming down began. I talked with myself about the fear and the whole trip. This was the part that my tripsitter could have done before it got worse... If I had one. Anyway I was totally aware that talking to myself is not a common state but it helped me to fully calm down. Some residual sick feelings were present but I could walk to the toilet and even read a magazine. My mind and body was back to normal.

The shocking part was when I looked at the clock. This was just the timescale of barely a hour. It felt like it was the whole night...

I was worn out but my mood was surprisingly happy (maybe the joy of survival). I browsed the internet for a bit and chatted with a friend about my trip. I felt so stupid because I totally rushed the research with bad settings and an inaccurate dosage.
I totally rushed the research with bad settings and an inaccurate dosage.

I had a refreshing sleep of aprox. 8 hours and never felt any further health problems.

This was last month and I did not touch the other two substances in the meantime.

The vial in which I store the little 5-MeO-DMT bag got a huge red exclamation mark on the label and I put it in the dark back of my safe. As far as I'm concerned it can rot there forever.

My interest in this substance is totally gone. But my wish for a nice visual and a bit psychological trip is still there. When I feel ready I continue with other substances. But this trip showed me that I have to be more careful.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93376
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 20, 2016Views: 2,594
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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