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Interesting but Not Fun
2C-E & Citalopram
Citation:   brasso. "Interesting but Not Fun: An Experience with 2C-E & Citalopram (exp93555)". Dec 28, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-E  
  T+ 1:30 20 mg oral 2C-E  
  T+ 9:30   smoked Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 0:00 20 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (daily)
I am quite used with psychedelics, I usually start with any substance at high dosages even if I know that many times isn't the right thing to do. I use SSRI's from 2 years or so, now I am taking Citalopram, one 20mg pill every day. Before this trip I tried many other psychedelics like 2C-T-4, 2C-T-7, 2C-P, 2C-I, DOI, LSD, 5-MeO-DMT, AMT, 5-MeO-AMT, 25C-Nbome, shrooms, 4-HO-MET, LSA, San Pedro etc. This said it was a Saturday night, I wasn't going for a new trip because I already tripped a lot in this month with many different substances. But well I came home at 4 am after some beers, like 4 or so, half litre, and I decided to try this new material. I had a big dinner with meat and soups at like 10 pm, and even with those beers I felt really good. So I took the first pill with 20 mg and swallowed with water.

T+ 00:30 I dont feel anything significant yet, just a little nausea, but really not a problem for now. I start watching a movie, parnassus, and in the end of the movie I realized colors were more vivid and fascinating.

T+ 1:30 Now I know this stuff is working but still not as high as I wanted, I am just on a ++, I was searching for at least a +3 trip So I took another 20 mg pill and I opened it this time, I took it sublingual, the taste was really nasty like always with these chemicals.

T+ 2:00 I feel very sedated, but that's normal for me, I feel sedated with most psychedelics
T+ 2:00 I feel very sedated, but that's normal for me, I feel sedated with most psychedelics
, except for LSD, 25C-NBOMe that gives me so much energy. Visuals are starting to kick in, mostly were distorsions of anything I was looking. The visual effects remind me the last ones I had with 2C-P at 11 mg.

T+ 2:30 I am in my bed, listening to music, mogwai that I always love to trip with, but music isnt so fascinating and engaging like with shrooms for example, but it's still nice. Lets say there isnt so much emotional depth like I feel with shrooms, LSD or 2C-I, I mean at high dosages even for this substances.

T+ 3:00 I am at +++ now, and I'm happy I finally get there because in the last 2 weeks I tripped too many times with many substances and I'm sure there is a cross-tolerance between them. Last times I had to take insane doses of DOI (17mg) and AMT(65 mg) to get on a ++ trip remaining always disappointed about potency. Thursday for example I insufflated something like 2 mg of 25C-Nbome ,dissolved in alchol+water, to get on an high +++ trip, and I know that was for sure an overdose if there wasnt cross-tolerance. I was planning to watch another movie but I changed idea because I started thinking at my relations with girls, I was enjoying exploring my behavior with them and why I usually cant have stable relationships.

T+ 4:00 I'm still thinking and exploring myself, but I have to say it isn't hard with 2C-E, I mean I never felt bad sensations, no dark sides at all. And this is strange for me with most introspective substances, on shrooms or san pedro there are always dark sides or moments of bad feeling and thoughts, even on good trips. In all this time I had a little stomach discomfort, but nothing if compared to the nausea I had with 2C-P that made me vomit really hard for 30 minutes or so. Usually when I trip with psychedelics I like to talk or chat with people, at least for a period of the trip, instead this time I really dont need anyone, I just sent few messages with my gf. Even if I was on a +++ trip walking and doing normal stuff like eating, rolling cigarettes etc wasn't hard. I could focus on what I was doing without problems. Far less body load in comparison to Shrooms or LSA or san pedro, walking straight was easy, while on those drugs it isn't for me. There wasn't even big change in tactile perception, common in many substances, that make it difficult to roll cigarettes for example.

T+ 5:00 Still on peak, little hungry, I get something to eat. Now my stomach is ok, maybe I just needed to eat something to get rid of that stomach discomfort. I started reading something on internet but reading wasnt so easy, letters were undulating and moving the whole time, so after some time I had to stop also because I was awake for so long and eyes burned a little. Time to get a long shower, I always like the feeling of hot water on my body in these moments.

T+ 6:20 I did my shower, 1 hour or so, it was really cool, and I thought about many things in that hour, on why I do this stuff so often and I decided to stop with psychedelics for some weeks, I need to concentrate on my university and I didnt do at all in the last month. All this without any moment of depression and sadness, it was so easy exploring myself and deciding what to do in the future. But there is also to say this 2C-E missing something that 2C-T-4, shrooms, LSD and others provide, that is the joy and emotion of discovering myself and little things that I wouldn't notice in the normal state. So for me it is an introspective substance but without the mystical part, the whole trip without any kind of revelation, that is what I love about shrooms for example. Meanwhile I messaged again with my gf and she said she was coming in 2 hours or so, and I was pretty happy about that cuz I really like the time I spend with her, especially in these situations. A good thing was that I didn't need to smoke, I am a heavy smoker, usually 40 cigarettes every day, in all this time I smoked like 3 or 4. While on LSD I would have smoked more than normally.

T+ 8:00 I am still in my bed listening to music, I also read online, mostly experiences about this 2C-E. This 2C-E isn't fun but still I dont dislike it, but for sure there are better ones in the family, like 2C-T-4 and 2C-I. For example last time I tripped with 2C-I I was with a friend that took shrooms and we were on the same wavelength, there was a lot of empathy and I'm sure there wouldn't be with 2C-E in the same situation. The only good thing for me is that it is far more hard to fall in a bad trip with 2C-E, much more easy than shrooms, LSA, LSD, 2C-I and others.

T+ 9:30 My gf arrived at my home and she wasn't planning to have a trip, so she just smoked some JWH 081 and 122 while waiting for a soccer match in streaming. We talked about this 2C-E and my experience, talking was easy but not so funny, I wasn't as happy as usual on a good trip. Anyway now I was back to a +2, it was coming down slowly. So I decided to smoke some JWH too, we smoked two joints with few mg inside each one. I never liked THC, it makes me paranoid, every little problem I have in my mind is magnified and I feel stupid, I become insecure and unwilling. It was like 2 years or so that I didn't smoke THC. Well this JWH worked so much, I felt so smoked and stoned, like usual with THC I felt heavy dark circles on my eyes, bone-dry mouth and zero energy to do anything or even move. We started watching the soccer match, she was enhanced, I really didn't care about the match and I was always distracting her and making jokes about her team. The JWH effects covered the 2C-E ones, but this time I had no paranoia or bad feelings, maybe also because she was there and the situation was quiet.

T+ 11:30 In these 2 hours I was heavy stoned, I smoked few cigarettes, drank some hot tea and watched some parts of the match talking with my gf. Now I the JWH is fading and I'm feeling again the 2C-E, still on a low +2, but I'm very tired, its afternoon and I didn't sleep for more than 24 hours. We spent next 30 mins talking about many things, not really important stuff, about her exams and things of every day. Then she had to leave, she had to study for the exam. I used the pc for about 1 hour, still on a low +2, reading stuff about my favourite rts online game, but I was really tired and my eyes started to burn pretty much so I decided to go to bed and try to sleep.

T+ 13:00 I finally felt asleep without many troubles, usually I cant sleep so easy after a long trip like this one.

I slept for more than 20 hours, waking up every 5 or so hours, eating something, smoking one cigarette and going back to sleep. Every time I woke up I felt the 2C-E was still in my body, only after 20 hours was I totally normal
only after 20 hours was I totally normal

In conclusion I don't dislike this material but for sure isn't one of my favorites. Next time I will try it in a different context, with at least one person tripping with me. Sorry for my bad English, it's not my main language.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93555
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Dec 28, 2020Views: 675
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