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Not Our Fault You Fucked Up
by IanT
Citation:   IanT. "Not Our Fault You Fucked Up: An Experience with DPT (exp93631)". Apr 2, 2017.

T+ 0:00
  insufflated DPT
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 2:00   smoked DPT
It started when I was hanging out with my friend D at his house. He and his cousin V were playing some black ops, so I went over. V offered to do a line of DPT with me.

I'd heard of DPT before from D, since he'd mentioned it before, having similar effects to DMT. V told me it was a very mild high, making music sound great, and just very relaxing. I decided to snort a line.

We lit up 2 lines, and hit them. V tells me he snorted 5 more lines earlier today at the skatepark.
I didn't really notice many effects until about 30 minutes afterward, where the sounds seemed to get very intense. I feel slight panic throughout the high, with my perception expanding, taking in more information.

Soon, a person who happens to have the same initials as me (I'll call him IT, since I refer to myself as just me), comes over for no apparent reason. D offers him a couple lines of DPT as well. I'm already pretty tripped out, so I'm just telling him what it's like. I mostly just have a body high, where I feel really numb for no reason at all, and moving feels awkward on my body, but relaxing at the same time, like stretching out in the morning after sleeping.
moving feels awkward on my body, but relaxing at the same time, like stretching out in the morning after sleeping.

IT snorts the lines and not even 5 minutes afterward he said he was tripped the fuck out. About 10 minutes go by of him sitting there, with a frightened look on his face. We do what we can to keep him calm, but he keeps yelling at us saying 'What the fuck did you give me?' since he thought we were all trying to drug him to death. V leaves the room, since he was tripping pretty hard as well. Suddenly, IT runs out of the house, vomiting on D's door on the way out, shouting about how we were out to get him, and that we should have warned him of this. D decides to clean up the vomit, and we're pretty concerned about IT, since he must be tripping pretty bad. He comes back in, red in the face, still a terrified look on his face.

D and IT go into another room, where D was going to read a small story from a psychadelic book to calm him down, and before you know it, IT nails D right in the face, leaving a bit of a black eye. I didn't see IT hit D, I just heard a loud smack in the other room, and following D saying 'What the fuck!'
IT says, 'Oh my god, am I really that tripped out?' and other nonsense about where he is and why he even lives. I leave the room since I was afraid he might get violent toward someone else.

V and I were waiting for D to sort out what was happening with IT. D was sober at the time, so he was able to handle the situation very carefully, basically telling IT to leave. He notifies us that he's gone after a while, after calling his mom, crying to come pick him up.

Soon afterward, we see IT outside rambling to the neighbors. The neighbors then call the police after he starts laying down on their sidewalk. Even Paramedics are called to the scene, since he must've been way too out of it to even comprehend what was going on. We see paramedics take him on a stretcher, and we conversate about how they won't ever know what's in his system, since DPT isn't even a scheduled drug in the US.

Afterward, a new guy, W comes over to deliver us some well deserved weed. He was another one of D's friends that also took DPT today, and he didn't freak out. We decided to snow cap some weed with DPT so D could get his first look at it. So far, only W, V and I had tried it, but D had not.

From snorting the line a couple hours earlier, and smoking the snow capped weed, I can give a more accurate experience. I really started to trip the fuck out after just the first hit. I started having a mini panic attack in my head while we were all just sitting having a conversation. I learned to calm myself down, even though all the DPT, plus the paranoia from weed smoking, was scaring me shitless. I decided to read that psychedelic book that D was going to read to IT before he hit him. It was a list of instructions telling me how to be absorbed from a bad trip into a good trip.

I don't remember quite how it went, but it talked about how I should open myself to my inner nightmares, and what we fear the most, and know that they're not there to hurt you, but to be there in your mind to make you an individual. They're not there to torment you, they're just there, and everyone has them. I read that, looked up from the book, and saw the chairs kind of collapse in on themselves, and reset themselves up all in a half a second, yet it continued to happen. I felt quite magical after reading that story, and it taught me to keep myself calm as I near toward the end of the trip.

It was around 8:00pm around then, approximately 3 1/2 hours after I'd arrived, and now I was receiving the peak effects of the DPT. Lucky enough, it dies down rather quickly, but left me with enough high to just be able to relax and enjoy the day.

~Note: I know this doesn't really look like a trip in my perspective, but I was terrified for my life at this point, since IT decided to disturb the mellow. He obviously didn't have any idea what he took even though he told me he'd smoked DMT before and not tripped out this hardcore.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93631
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Apr 2, 2017Views: 3,984
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DPT (21) : Difficult Experiences (5), Second Hand Report (42), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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