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I Am Happy Being in Control Again
Kratom (as Tramadol substitution)
Citation:   Sunshine. "I Am Happy Being in Control Again: An Experience with Kratom (as Tramadol substitution) (exp93955)". Mar 20, 2018.

  oral Pharms - Tramadol
    oral Kratom
Kratom Cure to Tramadol

I am a 29 year old female and would like to offer information to others that suffer from Opiate Addiction.

Over a year ago I gave birth to my first child and soon after was put on Tramadol because of constant pain from C-Section/Pregnancy. Tramadol is not considered a narcotic so it is pretty easy to get at any clinic. As the first few months went by the Tramadol allowed me to have energy and the ability to be happy even when my hormones would not allow me. Overall Tramadol is a great drug for someone that can understand it is as much of an abusive drug as any narcotic.

After 9 months of being on the drug I was able to get the dosage to be pushed up several more pills per day. I was recieving 3 months worth of pills at one time. 150 per month... Two weeks after my appointment I took 9 of my pills at once, which I had recently been using close to that dose. I have a Gran Mal Seizure and ended up in the hospital. The great thing is that Tramadol does not show up on a tox screen so they just expected it was an illness. I stopped taking the tramadol that day! For the next 4 days I felt like I was dying, I could not sleep, I had restless legs, body aches, depressed.
I stopped taking the tramadol that day! For the next 4 days I felt like I was dying, I could not sleep, I had restless legs, body aches, depressed.
I gave all my pills to a friend to hold until I got clean, and well after 4 days I was able to get them back. I continued for the next 2 months taking my normal dose but then I ran out 2 weeks before my next appointment.

I called the Dr. and he would not let me come in until my appointment date, so thus I went through the worst withdrawals I have ever had!

I am not a regular drug user but I have done every drug under the sun (natural and chemical). I started searching for something to help with the opiate withdrawals and even considered going to rehab. I finally admitted to my boss, my husband and my family that I had a problem. Everyone began to research and we found Kratom. I ordered some overnight and got it that next Monday. I went from suicidal, horrible body aches to getting up and cleaning house. I went to work the next day and started dosing only at 1 to 3 grams. That would last me the whole day. I also was able to take days off and not feel withdrawals. I admitted to my doctor that the Tramadol had me hooked and we figured out a new treatment to pain without narcotics. I continue with my all natural Kratom (1 to 5 grams) when I have really bad pains, but otherwise I am finally back to normal.

1.5 Months after Stopping Tramadol I am once again happy, smart and empowered. Drug addiction can be so horrible because that next pill/hit will be your last, and it never is. For anyone that is undergoing this journey please research your sources and understand there are lots of sites that sell bad stuff. Each brand and type has a different reaction.

I know I could get a 'high' from this drug but honestly I have no desire to, I am happy being in control again. I hope that this will help anyone that needs advice.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93955
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Mar 20, 2018Views: 2,610
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Kratom (203), Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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