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The Universe Within
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   ModernDayHippy. "The Universe Within: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp94289)". Jun 22, 2016.

T+ 0:00
    Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 4:00 3 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 5:20   smoked Cannabis
Huge fan of mushrooms, I've been smoking medicinal since I was 12. I've done my share of just about anything, but never gotten too crazy on anything. Hallucinogenics are my choice I feel like people should expand their mind and think outside that little box their in. I feel like mushrooms have put me closer to God and sometimes I've felt like I'am God.

Waitin around all day for the fungus, ate two good meals one @ 10AM and one @ 2PM with vitamins. Decided to drink some beer @ around 6PM and smoked some of the best medical sticky on the market.

10PM In my safe haven of a house kinda blazed, got my friend (Jbud) and another long time friend from high school (maple leaf). Jbud is tripping he ate his about 30 min ago and is having trouble with conversations, mostly just laughing at whats going on around him. So here I go. . . Three grams of B+ (P. cubensis). . . . gone within 10 min.

The Come Up:
10:30 PM Starting to feel a warm body buzz and a weird tingle thought-out my whole body but the tingle tends to go on and off. Maple Leaf starts playing the guitar some Led Zep. cant remember what song but it was mind-blowing the color patterns on the wall were dancing along with every string he played. Looking at his hands playing was a challenge there were streaks made by the movement, then the streaks would turn into pattens along with the song. Everything was dancing and flowing so nice. The come up on these were easy, little did I know it would be the greatest roller coaster ride.

The Trip:
11:20PM Went outside to smoke and chill. Outside was great the wind was blowing just right the trees were flowing with a song in my head. This warm feeling has got me feeling like I'm the only one truly alive. I don't get this warm inner body buzz from mushrooms all the time, only a few times ever. Now my body is away from my thoughts like its not even here. I start thinking that life is unexplainable like this is just one big mystery. Staring off into a glaze of colors with a black sky as the background. Flashing thoughts moving rapidly though my mind getting processed and analyzed. SNAP and the thoughts are images. SNAP and the thought is nothing or whatever I want it to be. Never felt this deep into my thoughts. You know the universe has sent you exactly what you need when you realize it is challenging your spirit, heart, and mind to expand, evolve, and question everything you've grown comfortable within.

12:26AM Back inside listening to Pink Floyd The Wall with the T.V on but muted. Still tripping hard the visuals got stronger with the big screen T.V. All the colors produced this glitter on everything. It was like someone covered the room in glitter, which was really nice. Laughing along to The Wall and some random show. Closed eye visuals were intense to the point were my eyes were wide.

1:00AM Blazing that fine OG Kush Listening to PRETTY LIGHTS. . . PL puts me where I want to be people!!! City of one by Pretty Lights then Breathe by Skrillrex then to the Bassnectar.

1:20AM Bassnectar is doing whatever they do best and I was mind-fucked into a trance. My visuals at this point are beyond fearful, sharp colors moving quickly walls and people are zooming in and out
My visuals at this point are beyond fearful, sharp colors moving quickly walls and people are zooming in and out
according to my breathing. I remember getting up because I felt like I might get sick, walking about 10 steps to the door and thinking maybe going to the other bathroom that's in the room. In doing so I walked around the bed, and all I could see was black and white flashes then hearing a loud crash (which was me falling to the floor). I remember seeing patterns of my friends trying to help me up, hearing them but not being able to speak. Then they dropped me into a nice soft bed, I was sweating very bad but coming back into my body, holding my hands together trying to feel something I know that is real. I could tell my friends were tripping even harder now. I was TRIPPING. Now everything is like a cartoon. Everything was in 2D it was so freaking funny... Now whats crazy is my friends are tripping hard now because I blacked out, Now I'm laughing non-stop. . . I lie on the floor for quite some time just chillin in cloud nine.

1:45AM Feeling like I just started tripping but I'm thinking damn I took these at 10:00. My mind traveling so far into a state of bliss, feeling so spiritual within. So many questions unanswered yet so many have. This warming feeling is so great its all throughout my body but my torso is the main area. Still vibin to Pretty Lights feeling every note that was produced for me, like it was made for this very moment.

2:10AM DO NOT DRIVE AND TRIP, but JBUD did. Not really knowing where we are going but yeah. Pretty Lights with a good system is heavenly. The road, street lights and car lights were dancing and flowing with the music. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
This is what I love about shroomin there is such a earthly flow to everything around you. Well we got to Mcdonald's, parked and just sat their. I wanted to go in but couldn't, Jbud thought he could but not a chance. So after a debate of what we wanted and mentally preparing himself on walking in. I said 'their is a drive-thru'. What a bright idea!! No but we really did want to go in just for the hell of it.

2:30 Went back to the house and picked up Maple Leaf to take him back home. I don't remember too much of the ride just a lot of BASS and LIGHTS which was great. On the way back we had deep real talk. Overall it was a great trip even if I did blackout. I don't think that I will smoke on shrooms until the comedown.
Overall it was a great trip even if I did blackout. I don't think that I will smoke on shrooms until the comedown.

>>>I know the universe has sent me exactly what I need when I realize it is challenging my spirit, heart, and mind to expand, evolve, and question everything I've grown comfortable within.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94289
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jun 22, 2016Views: 1,485
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Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1) : Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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