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Worth Writing Home About
Citation:   NYJello. "Worth Writing Home About: An Experience with Gabapentin (exp94348)". Feb 10, 2012.

6 g oral Pharms - Gabapentin (pill / tablet)
Lately I've delved into a bit of an experimental phase with different drugs. Until the past month, I've stuck strictly to opiods and opiates, I enjoy them, they're easy to get, and I know what to expect. However, my tolerance for them has increased so far that I've been forcing myself off them to lose some tolerance.

Enter Gabapentin. I get prescribed about 4 different medications for my right shoulder labral tear. I was bored and decided to root around on the internet and discovered that more than a few people enjoy this drug. I grabbed a fistful and counted them out to what I thought would be an effective dose. I take 3, 300mg pills, 3 times a day, for the last month. I took about twenty of them around noon on an empty stomach and sat down at my computer.

I noticed that unlike oxycodone IR, the onset for this was rather slow. It wasn't until an hour had passed that I noticed anything. I was having a pretty shitty week, but I was becoming rather apathetic about it. I became more open with people that I was talking to.

The even better part was this seemed to last a fairly long time, almost 6 hours. I thought it was a nice break from the usual percocet, and I was able to talk about things I previously ignored with people.

I think it might be interesting to mix with opiates, as they typically make me very mellow and sociable, or give me a little bit of clarity when I write my blog.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94348
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 10, 2012Views: 3,066
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : General (1), Alone (16)

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