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Journey Into a Mystical Universe
Citation:   Big Meech. "Journey Into a Mystical Universe: An Experience with 2C-E (exp94509)". Jan 7, 2023.

20 mg oral 2C-E
What a wonderful chemical, it has forced me to question everything I've ever known.

Very experienced with psychedelics, and various other drugs. MDMA, marijuana, alcohol, mushrooms, LSD, 25i nbome, DOC, cocaine, xanax, percocet, Oxycontin, nicotine, caffeine, just to name a few.

The first encounter with this substance was during the night time, my friend J had found someone on campus that had some '2ce' available. Alexander Shulgin has caught my interest over the past few months, due to adventuring into the MDMA world. And a reading brought up 2C-E synthesized by Shulgin, so we figured it had to be worth the experience.

Setting: Apartment, close friends (usual psych setting for the group)
Dose: 20 mg, oral
Total time (Come up to crash): About 8 hours
Side effects: Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

0:00 - 20 mg was placed into a cup of water, the taste was VERY bitter. Ended up chasing it with some lemonade to kill the taste.
0:20 - Feeling amphetamine like body load/ high, starting to come up.
0:45 - Vomiting ensues, dry heaved for a few minutes. After the vomiting and nausea passed, minor visuals became very visible.

1:15 - Hit a peak, very much hallucinating at this point. Color distortion and major movement in absolutely everything. Sat and stared at a Grateful Dead poster and the clouds outside.
1: 45 - IN LOVE, no anxiety whatsoever so far. Very pleased with the hallucinations and mind/ body high.
2:00 - Everything I've ever known was being discussed between the 3 of us, we learned so much about each other. All of our problems in reality seemed to come to straighten themselves out with just talking through it.
3:00 - Still discussing problems, and how everyone feels about certain issues in our lives and the world around us. We seemed to be living in our own beautiful world full of pleasure and happiness.

4:00 - This drug is perfect, still no anxiety, still no signs of coming down. Everything is going strong and perfectly.
5:00 - One thing noticed, it seems to get rid of your appetite.. No desire to eat, but will talk about this later because it changes towards the come down.
6:00 - WOW, it seems that hallucinations just get more profound as the hours continue. At this point though, the visuals just seem to be our reality. Came to the conclusion that everyone in the world has a piece of their soul that lies within someone else.
7:00 - A book could definitely be started, and include great valuable philosophies. This drug has encouraged me to dig deeper into complex ideas of life.
8:00 - Starting to come down, very easy come down. Starting to feel hungry, brain feels completely washed at this point.
9:00 - Visuals are gone, amphetamine like high still sticking around. Took about another hour to fall asleep with the help of some Advil PM.

The next day there was a bit of a hangover, felt very lethargic. Everything seemed out of place almost, or I was simply lost within
my personal reality.

Overall, very profound experience. Will probably keep this to maybe once a month, definitely more profound than my various lsd and mushroom journeys.

Side notes: Definitely not a 'first timer' kind of hallucinogen, I was blown away at the sheer power it had on the mind in such a small dose.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94509
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 7, 2023Views: 285
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2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), General (1)

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