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I Needed to Be Very Productive
by jbl
Citation:   jbl. "I Needed to Be Very Productive: An Experience with Lisdexamfetamine (exp94916)". Jan 17, 2023.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine
  T+ 1:05 20 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine
  T+ 11:30 500 mg oral Acetaminophen
Midterm and Vyvanse

Here is the context of this experience report. It’s the first time I ever took Amphetamine. I took it because I needed to be very productive to finish a mid-term paper and I usually have a lot of trouble to concentrate on this kind of work so I figured the Vyvanse would help. I had a 40mg capsule which I split into 2, approximately 20mg for each dose. The night before I went to bed at 1:30am. And I woke up at 8:00am this morning. At the moment of taking the Vyvanse, the last time I ate was at like 6 or 7pm the day before. Some of these words were written at the exact moment that they happened but the whole thing was edited later on.

8:00am: 20mg of Vyvanse. I’m pretty hungry but I figured the drug would get rid of that, I didn’t want to eat. Now that I write this, I think I’d rather eat at least a little while taking it.
8:45am: I’m obviously still pretty hungry. I started to work on my mid-term paper shortly after taking the Vyvanse to get me started. I feel focused, but mostly due to the context.
9:05am: It should have kick-in by now and I don’t feel much so I figured I would take the other 20mg now.
9:30am: Still working on my paper, I feel a light back pain, no sure if it’s related or not. I’m pretty productive and focused on my work. I feel like a drank a cup of coffee.
9:45am: I feel a really light headache, just enough to notice and that’s probably because I know I’m documenting my experience. I’m drinking a lot of water but I didn’t eat anything yet.

10:00am: I still feel like I just drank a coffee. I’m motivated by my work and I’m pretty focused. However, I somewhat lose my focus from time to time because I multitask.
10:40am: I feel very motivated and stimulated by what I do, what I think. I’m totally awake. My head feels a little numb physically, it’s not even annoying but I notice it. I keep drinking water… it feels pretty good. I’m energetic but it doesn’t feel like an unneeded energy burst. It feels pretty balanced, that feels good.
11:11am: I have a feeling of revelation, of truthfulness, of understanding and clearness. I’m really focused on what I do and it’s pretty fucking awesome. The distanciation with my present situation reminds me the real reasons why I had to work on this very task. (the mid-term) This motivation is very pure and convincing.

11:30am: I get distracted from time to time but when I move from 1 action to the other, I always feel that passion that makes me act efficiently. I would probably work faster on that mid-term if I eliminated the distractions, but I’d rather have this feeling of multitasking and really pushing tons of small “to-dos” that are on my list anyway. I know I have time for my paper anyway.
1:22pm: Still the same feeling of progress, accomplishment, motivation. I’m pretty hungry though. I have to stop working on my paper to assist a presentation. This change of mood is a good coincidence with the fact that I report my experience.
2:00pm: I have to wait in line for the presentation. It’s pretty annoying. I find other people to be slow and dumb, but that has nothing to do with the drug haha.

For the two hour presentation I was focused and I didn’t miss a thing. I took a few notes which were pertinent to me. I had time to grasp everything and I pretty much remember everything (to some extent) that was said in those two hours. The Vyvanse made this presentation much more interesting and useful to me as I kept making links with my own ideas. Actually, if it wasn’t of the drug, I probably would have been stressed as hell with my paper during the presentation and I would have wasted my time there… Physically everything was normal except I noted sweating a little, which is usual since I was pretty much immobile and wearing a t-shirt. No big deal.

4:00pm: 8 hours since I took the first dose of Vyvanse. I just sat for 2 hours listening to people talking so I don’t feel as motivated as earlier. I don’t feel fatigue however. I’m pretty fucking hungry but luckily it’s time to eat! I have a small headache due to the lack of fooooood.
4:30pm: I ate a 10 inch avocado submarine sandwich and 4 meatballs. It feels good but I think it was a bit too much. Being passive for the last 3 hours made me lose my motivation and that optimism (not to the point to be pecimist) but I’m not tired at all.

5:00pm: I still need to finish that paper that I started earlier this morning but my mood is a bit different. I have the feeling that my day is over but I do not feel fatigue. I get back to my paper hoping to get back the motivation I had earlier today.
6:00pm: I don’t feel as motivated as I was earlier, but I’m pretty focused on my work. I get things done and ideas seem to follow one after the other in my brain. This is good work. Just before 7 I have to do some small grocery quests, no problem with that.
7:30pm: I feel pretty good except for a light headache. I took 500mg of acetaminiphen. I’m at a point where I’m not sure if the effect is over or not but I feel pretty good and even though it’s big a pretty big day, I feel no fatigue.

8:45pm: I’m writing this while taking a break from the mid-term paper… I still feel good, no way near as motivated or energized as earlier but I can still get things done. Still not sure if I’m under the influence of vyvanse, this drug is pretty well balanced. I wish I could relax a bit and let go now but I have stuff to do.. the day isn’t over anyway.
I would not do this every day but I think it’s a very good tool when needed.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94916
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jan 17, 2023Views: 678
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Lisdexamfetamine (589) : Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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