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A Final Experimentation
Citation:   Deluge. "A Final Experimentation: An Experience with 2C-E (exp95140)". Dec 8, 2017.

T+ 0:00
30 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:15 20 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
My name is Dan, and I have no intention of telling you the substances I have had prior experience with save psychedelics, as it is totally irrelevant. I am 18 years old, and have experimented with LSD, Psilocybin and Fly Agaric mushrooms, DMT, aMT, 4-Aco-DMT, 4-Aco-DiPT, 2C-I-NBOMe, 2C-E, 2C-I, 2C-T-7, 2C-P and 2C-B once. I used to enjoy the 2C-X compounds, but they are just too rough for my liking anymore. I much prefer tryptamines. I feel that 2C-X's are the alcohol of psychedelics, but moving on.

My reasoning for consuming such a large dose of 2C-E this particular night was one of curiosity. I have never gotten any spectacular visuals from a psychedelic, save one time at a festival where I dosed 3 rather enormous hits of liquid LSD. This was my test, to see how far I could go. The only other heroic dose of a psychedelic I have taken was 35mg of 2C-P, which wasn't all that impressive, aside from the longevity. I had also never insufflated a dose of 2C-E over 10mg, which was very nice alone; I did want to push the limits a bit, the atmosphere was right.

Alone in my room, staring down the barrel of 5 capsules filled with approximately 10mg of 2C-E, weighed out on an analytical balance. My father was at my house, as my mother was away on vacation, and the environment seemed all too fitting. It was a rainy night, me being the strange user; I loved dosing a psychedelic compound while it's raining. It releases such an interesting vibration in the entire experience, I do love it. it is approximately 9:30 PM, and I empty 3 capsules totaling 30mg
onto a book and cut it up into a fine, off-white powder. I then gather it into one solitary line and stare at it for a while. The monologue going on inside my mind is that of a crazy person. I couldn't bring myself to do it, I knew I would be okay, I have done oral doses exceeding 50mg, albeit only twice, and I am aware that I have a depressingly high tolerance to psychedelics considering my past years of SSRI use. I have an ample supply of 50mg tablets of Quetiapine, in my case a very good abort button in case things get too intense or the mindset begins to take a malevolent turn. A time of 9:45 PM (approximately) is decided as a deadline before this substance is consumed. At precisely 9:44 PM, I insufflate.

The pain is a blinding whiteness. Though slightly delayed, with every breath comes a new swell of extreme discomfort. Not only that, but with every breath comes a classic phenethylamine body load in ever increasing increments. I lay; breathe in and out for a period of around fifteen minutes, and by the time the pain subsides, it's replaced with an intense mental/physical stimulation and extreme nausea. As I usually do, I become paranoid and decide to wait out the next half hour or so in the bathroom. My pupils are already enormous, and I know that a purge is imminent. Quickly I sit on the floor by the toilet and no sooner than my legs hit the floor I vomit rather violently. The second it is over, which is pretty fast, I feel fully better. It is reminiscent to having the stomach flu, then suddenly not. Although, as I stare at my face, I realize that the stomach flu is certainly not the culprit.

The decision is made to run the water and lay in the bath for a while, something I really enjoy doing on any psychedelic. I feel it gives you time, time unmitigated, to think without having the pressures of finding something to do; I've felt that all too often on 2C-P. This experience was different. Much different. I had no desire to find anything to do; I had no question of what to do with myself, I was totally content with the thoughts floating around my head, and that was a beautiful thing. The light in the bathroom had become unbelievably brighter, I felt as if everything in the room had turned an iridescent and luminous white. I stared at a pair of pants laying on the floor, and the outline of them turned to something reminiscent of the symbol for direct current, save the dashed line below the solid line was flowing to the right at an infinite speed. The cabinets had no definite dimension, at one moment they would appear rectangular, the next, the lines constituting the sides of it appeared anamorphous and bulbous.

I walked back into my room and lay directly on my floor for a few minutes. It was at this moment that a flash of energy surged through my head. Almost as if someone had brought the paddles of a defibrillator to my temples. This happened periodically throughout the experience, and was not at all unpleasant. For the first time, I also experienced a euphoria with 2C-E. Once, I did an unknown amount of MXE orally in combination with 2C-E, and felt a euphoria masked in a dissociative confusion, but nothing like this. I couldn't keep from smiling. The experience was fully benevolent; nothing was even of a slight discomfort. It was at this time that I decided to venture downstairs to see what was going on with my dad.

The television was on, and I can't place what he was watching at that moment, but I lay down and tell him I feel sick, as I had just vomited an hour or two prior and don't want any suspicion to arise. We flip through the channels for a while, eventually stopping in Pulp Fiction, possibly my favorite movie. The scenes seem unimaginably relatable, and when Uma Therman mistakes John Travolta's heroin for her vice, cocaine, I was on the edge of my seat, even having seen the movie easily over fifteen times. I laughed more than I ever have at the movie, and enjoyed it more than I can remember. After it was over, I decided to go upstairs. At this time it was approximately 3 AM, and I was tired.

I still had plenty of 2C-E; more than enough. I had reached a point of a comedown. Then I decided to insufflate another 20mg. This may seem irresponsible, and I'll admit it sort of was, but it was a Friday night, I don't even smoke marijuana anymore, and this is my way of celebrating a hard week's worth of school. Now this wasn't a whim, mind you. I did some research; made sure I would be okay. After being reassured, I started the process all over again. By approximately 4 AM, the line of off-white powder was no longer there.

The pain is indescribable. I had related it to snorting molten shards of glass, that may be a fair description. The come up was quick and sharp, within fifteen minutes I was in another world, but the pain had not subsided. It lasted much longer this time; close to a half hour. I feel the need to clarify, these amounts were done in one shot, at one time. No small bumps equaling the total amount, these looked like nice lines of cocaine and were done as so. The most noticeable part of this redose was the tracers. I have never experienced anything like them. I could move my hand across my field of vision, and see it's path the entire way, leaving ten or fifteen visible images of the hand itself, not just a small line across my view. The walls were morphing, and I was far past the point of life changing speculation in the form of thoughts. I lay and enjoy the visuals for hours on end.

I ended up staying up all night, slowly coming down but not experiencing much more than what was already said. The surges of energy came back tenfold after redosing, but as stated were not unpleasant; I had garnered control over them eventually. This was a life changing experience, and I'm fairly sure, one of, if not the, last experiences with 2C-E for myself. I have learned and experienced all I feel I need to with this substance, to quote it's inventor:

'Someday, the full character of 2C-E will be understood, but for the moment, let it rest as being a difficult and worth-while material. A very much worth-while material.' - Alexander Shulgin

I believe I have braced the full character of it to the extent that I am able to.


Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95140
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 8, 2017Views: 1,022
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Alone (16)

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