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Dry Pill
Hydroxyzine PAM 50 MG
Citation:   azhydro. "Dry Pill: An Experience with Hydroxyzine PAM 50 MG (exp95308)". Mar 25, 2012.

  oral Pharms - Hydroxyzine
I have had many experiences with vistaril or Hydroxyzine [pamoate / PAM 50 MG]. It can be useful but to me is not a replacement to a benzodiazepine to control anxiety; which is why I was prescribed it by the doctor at a county mental health facility. I also received smaller white 10 mg ones [HCL 10 MG].

All taken orally.

My main experience has been an undeniable tiredness and a dryness in my nasal area when I wake up in a fog, but not really feeling bad.

As for anxiety, I have had panic attacks not controlled by this substance. I am upset I was given an antihistamine by a psychiatrist to treat a mental health condition.

On a side note when I open the Hydroxyzine PAM I noticed it is a yellow green color I can't quite explain. The 10 MG HCL round white tabs are white and tiny.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 95308
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 25, 2012Views: 80,810
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Pharms - Hydroxyzine (323) : Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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