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Red Rock: Dragons Blood on Its Own is OK
Red Rock Opium
Citation:   Experimenter. "Red Rock: Dragons Blood on Its Own is OK: An Experience with Red Rock Opium (exp9531)". Sep 20, 2001.

1 bowl smoked Red Rock (powder / crystals)
Well I decided to buy Dragons Blood Resin at a Nature store in town. I heard that 'Red Rock' was actually dragons blood so I figured what the hell. I bought fifty cents worth (which gave me enough for 10 or more bowls) and decided to try it alone to see what it does. After finishing the bowl which I inhaled 6 large hits in ONE lungful (I have strong lungs)I felt an Opiate-like high. It felt just like Wild Prickly Lettuce, Wild Lettuce, California Poppy, and even lightly like Opium, but only slightly different. It did not take away any pain but the buzz was similair to REAL opium (not as strong of course)and Very much like Wild Prickly Lettuce.

When people say not to try 'Red Rock' because it isn't an Opiate and it's really Dragons Blood they are NOT getting the point. Dragons blood is dragons blood and NOT opium, but it IS ITS OWN drug (it has no Opiates). What is wrong with trying something different? Just cause it isn't Opium and doesn't get rid of pain doesn't mean that it is not worth trying. Get it right. Everything is it's own drug and should be appreciated as such.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9531
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 20, 2001Views: 17,253
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