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Fun but Foggy...
Zolpidem & Cannabis
by Seb
Citation:   Seb. "Fun but Foggy...: An Experience with Zolpidem & Cannabis (exp95412)". Erowid.org. Jun 4, 2016. erowid.org/exp/95412

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:15   smoked Cannabis  
I ( Like many others...) have chronic insomnia. My physician started me off on Ambien for 6 months. Which from what I understand is MUCH longer than usual considering this is usually prescribed as a temporary sleep aid. I have been taking it for a while very effective at 10mg. Had heavy visual hallucinations the first time I took it. After that they were never as strong...until now.

T+0:00: Swallowed 3 10mg Ambien (zolpidem) on empty stomach. Browsed internet...

T+0:07: Feeling very relaxed. This has happens every time I take it. Sets on Extremely fast with empty stomach.

T+0:15: Definitely feeling it now some euphoria but not much. I'm probably 7/10 on the chillometer. I'm going to smoke a joint now.

T+0:26: I feel absolutely wonderful right now! The candle I have lit near me is like a strobe light! The words on my screen can't seem to stand still.

T+0:31: A painting on my wall is growing bigger and smaller extremely fast. It just seemed to unravel it was beautiful blue spots and a baby on the inside.

T+9:52: I awoke the next morning with no memory of what happened but my kitchen and bedroom are a mess I seemed to have eaten 2 boxes of toaster strudels. (Not sure if I ate them but there gone and the icing is still there.) Also my computer monitor was face down for some reason?

From T+0:26-T+0:31 There was many many many spelling errors so I fixed them the before I submited this.

All in all it ws a very fun experience.

I also plan on doing 'reviews' or something like that on many other psychoactive substances but not sure how to become an author. ( Or even if I can xD )

Thanks for reading sorry for any gramatical errors I missed...


Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95412
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 4, 2016Views: 1,930
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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