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Notes on IV and Rectal Use
Citation:   FireDragon803. "Notes on IV and Rectal Use: An Experience with bk-MBDB (exp95483)". May 14, 2012.

T+ 0:00
75 mg IV bk-MBDB
  T+ 0:02 75 mg rectal bk-MBDB
  T+ 1:00 50 mg IV bk-MBDB
  T+ 1:03 50 mg rectal bk-MBDB
After a long well loved history of experiemce with Meow, Meow (Mephedrone,4MMC) I found myself saddened by it becoming illegal and impossible to get anymore so i started to search for something interesting and new. I found it -- MDBD, Butylone.

I was a chemistry major in college so i could rough;ly predict how it might feel and had 20 years of experience with dozens of substances. So I was clearly an experienced psychonaut and prepared.

I prepared 75mg for IV usage. And administered. There's no room for error with this substance just as with meow, because if I miss even slightly the burn is furious!

T 30sec Warm invigorating rush like meow or meth in that there's an immediate adrenalyn release as well as a quickened heart rate like jumping out of a plane.

T 1min Feeling of euphoria combined with sharper feelings of kindness and connection to others. Then a sudden urge to watch internet porn or make love.

T 2min Decided to try to administer a rectal booster dose. Administered 75mg in 3 CC of water. Made my male part tingle immensely.

T 3min Begining to sweat profusely. Clearly my temperature has climbed. Music is significantly enhanced. Labido is through the roof.

T 1hr Re apply IV dosage of 50mg. Incredible rush again. repeat of previous experience.

T 1hr 3min Re apply rectal dosage of 50mg.

T 1hr 5min Very alert, accelerated. ADD with the desire to juggle porn, conversations, music and computer maintenance at same time.

All in all, I liked it alot. I liked the way my thoughts connected, and I *really* enjoyed conversations. A very social drug.

T 4hrs Feel like I'm coming down but clearly it's so gradual and slow. This stuff last forever it seems.

T 6hrs begining to calm but clearly still wound up, controllable though now.

All in all this was an amazing experience with a quality somewhere in between Meow and speed. Deffinite hint of MDMA like feelings, but clearly much more speedy =) Will try again soon =)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 95483
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: May 14, 2012Views: 7,850
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bk-MBDB (348) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4)

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