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Faced With a Full Week of Withdrawal
Citation:   Drenzie. "Faced With a Full Week of Withdrawal: An Experience with Kratom (exp95567)". Erowid.org. May 7, 2021. erowid.org/exp/95567

T+ 0:00
2.5 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 0:25 2 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 1:00 2.5 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 1:30 1 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 2:00 1 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 2:30 1 g oral Kratom (capsule)
Kratom for the Opiate Addict

A little background on my usage history; I’ve at least tried a fair amount of different things (LSD, mushrooms, marijuana, cocaine, xanax and, of course, opiates). I’ve been regularly using opiates for a few years, but gotten off thru the use of suboxone (buprenorphine) a few times when I thought my tolerance was getting too high.

At my peak, I’d take 100-200mg of roxies in a day, but for the last year I’ve managed to keep my intake much lower (20-40mg oxycodone, snorting generally), but every day, so withdrawal is still a real thing that I dread. Due to a perfect storm of bad luck, all of my connections were out of any kind of opiate for at least a week. Faced with a full week of withdrawal, and lots of work that I needed to do, I became a little desperate to find a temporary fix just to be able to function.

Enter Kratom.

After doing some research on the internet, it looked like it might be just the thing to help me out. Went and picked up two 7g packs from a local head shop, with different ‘names’ that suggested different effects (“motivating euphoria”, “strength and relief”, etc..). I figured that was mainly a placebo effect the makers put on there, but grabbed two different ones just to test since they were the same price anyways.

They came in 0.5g capsules, so I started around 5pm with 2.5g (5 capsules) of the ‘motivating euphoria’ one, as that’s my actual reason for doing opiates. I’ve always felt more energized on opiates, and motivated to do things I’d normally not want to do (manual labor, general work, cleaning, etc.). Even when I was sober for over a year, I always felt unmotivated to do things and would put them off, something that doesn’t happen nearly as much when I take opiates. A motivating euphoria indeed.

I had heard some reports of nausea and such, so I wanted to start out small and increase gradually just in case. Whenever I’m in withdrawal mode, even 5mg of hydrocodone, or similar, makes me feel a lot better by comparison, so I figured a small amount would still be noticeable. Also, I had a 20-25 minute drive home, and didn’t want anything intense to hit me while driving. Package said 3-5g was an average dose, so I decided to start below 3g. Considering my weight/height (210lbs, 6'2) is above average, and my tolerance for new drugs always seems higher than average, this seemed like a very tame dosage since I still had to drive a little bit. I realize this is not ideal, but I had read it would take at least 15mins to hit me and figured I wouldn't really feel anything till I was pulling up to my house.

I grab a couple energy drinks from a gas station, as I've read caffeine can mix well with kratom. I take 4 capsules, opened one of them and mixed it with some of the energy drink in a cup to drink straight. I have a high willpower for ‘bad’ tasting stuff, so even though I had read it tastes bad, I didn’t mind it. It wasn’t enjoyable either. I was uncomfortable from the withdrawal symptoms and was hoping for just the tiniest amount of relief ASAP, without getting 'high' since I had to drive. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

15 minutes later, I start to feel a bit of tingling/chills through my body, but I also occasionally get a similar feeling just from withdrawal. These are somewhat pleasant, in contrast to my withdrawal chills, and I feel the smallest amounts of euphoria, more at the thought this might actually work and that I’ve found a solution then anything else.

25 minutes later, nothing else major, but the withdrawal symptoms (such as diarrhea) seem to have subsided somewhat. I get home and take another 2g.

About an hour after the initial dose, I’m feeling almost normal, and no signs of nausea. I read some more reports about Kratom from opiate users and realize I’ve not taken a very large dose at all (4.5g at this point) to feel anything resembling the effect from opiates. I take another 2.5g (7g total, one of the two bags I bought is gone now).

1hr 30mins, I’m starting to feel a little like I took 5-10mg of oxycodone, except it’s more focused in my head and demeanor then any relief of pain. I’m sociable on the phone with a friend, I have a little more motivation to get up and do things, but I still feel a bit of the aches in my body as if I was in full withdrawal, though they are diminished a bit. By far, it’s much better then my state 2 hours earlier though, just not QUITE the same as actually taking some kind of opiate. With this renewed faith that it is helping somewhat, I take another 1g every 30 minutes for the next hour and a half. (10g total now, last 3g are from the 2nd bag, ‘strength and relief’)

2 hours in, I think the initial doses are still going and most of my recent smaller ones have hit, so I’ve hit the peak. Finally feels like an actual drug at this point, and not just potential placebo effects. It is definitely similar to opiates, but different in some key areas. All of my withdrawal symptoms seem to be gone or at least vastly diminished. My head and face feel flush, which is very similar to how it feels on opiates. I have the smallest amount of pain relief in my body (I do have some actual minor chronic back pains, and these have subsided a bit).

3hrs 30 minutes from initial dose, and 30 minutes after last dose, my peak is still going strong. I am euphoric, but I’m not sure if I’m just elated that it has worked, it’s legal, and I can go get more tomorrow or if it’s from the kratom itself, probably a bit of both. I start writing this report hoping to share my experience and help out other skeptical opiate users that might be in a similar situation as me. I always try to plan out to prevent going into withdrawal, but this is the first time in a year that my plans were derailed due to bad circumstances.

I consider taking the rest of the 2nd bag over the next few hours to try and actually get a little bit of a ‘high’ and not just to get rid of the withdrawal symptoms. I save 2g for the morning and plan a 2nd trip to the head shop to get their ‘bulk’ package of 30g that is more cost effective, and take the remaining 2g.

If I had more, I would have taken another 1-2g every 30 minutes, to document the effects as I went up in dosage. Unfortunately, the last 2g didn't really increase my 'high' so much as prolong the peak I was already at, but that was fine.

Throughout the entire experience, I still wished I had actual opiates, so the kratom did not diminish the desire for them. However, based on the amount I took and the effect felt, it seems kratom is slightly more expensive then most of the opiates available in my area to achieve similar effects, so I doubt I will be using it regularly unless nothing else is available.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95567
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 7, 2021Views: 1,463
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