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First Timer
Citation:   Riverrat. "First Timer: An Experience with MDA (exp95663)". Apr 25, 2012.

100 mg   MDA
[Erowid Note: This report is marked as a MDA report, although the author's use of the term ecstasy is somewhat confusing, as this term typically refers to MDMA. The duration of effects described however, is more consistent with MDA]

I have read much about ecstasy for many years and have always wanted to experience it for myself. After research online, I decided to try some MDA powder that was available to me.

I took about 100ug or .1g about 10 am. For about an hour I didn't notice much of an effect, but gradually I felt a blissful energy start to take effect.

I was very talkative with a close relative and I really enjoyed interactions with those around me. I had the feeling that there were profound insights into everything said to me and by me.

I reached a plateau about 3 hrs after ingestion and noticed a comedown around 6pm. Not as intense as acid, but a very enjoyable time.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95663
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 63
Published: Apr 25, 2012Views: 11,127
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MDA (34) : Unknown Context (20), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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