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Clarity of Clouds
Citation:   Brokenkey. "Clarity of Clouds: An Experience with 2C-E (exp95692)". Aug 11, 2022.

15 mg oral 2C-E
Mood: Bored but otherwise stable.
Setting: My room at night 23:40
Other drugs: I took a mild dose of 2C-E (around 5 mg insufflated) a week prior and because of ADHD I sometimes take Methlyphendidate 20mg pills, last time was 1 week prior to this event.

General experience: All together I smoked around 8g of weed in my life, drank alcohol, ~50mg 2C-E oral, 5mg 2C-E insufflated

Additional notes: I wrote most of this while high and later edited it a bit. I am German and because of that I might don't write perfect english, forgive me.

23:40 - 00:00
IT BURNS, was my first thought, just a few moments after nasally ingesting the substance known as 2C-E. I eyeballed it to be around 15 mg, could be more could be less. I couldn't care less either. I just wanted to get high, get my head blasted off my shoulders. I wanted to feel the chemical, to feed my curiosity. Turned out I got everything I wanted, but not the way I expected it to show up.

I inspected my room, no visuals. A little bit disappointed I tried to continue with what I had done prior to insufflating the substance but the burn reminded me of what I had done to myself. Quickly and without a second chance the effects came up. Just as hard as I expected it to be, not necessary what I wanted it to be. But that was too late now. Running around pointlessly, trying to manage the burn, thinking about sniffing it all out. „NO!“ I simply didn't want to have another weakass trip, simultaneously reminding myself about the weak experience that I had around 1 week prior to this.

Eventually, after some running around in the bathroom and going back to my room, I managed to sit down and get a clear head of the situation. The body load was intense, more than everything I have ever experienced.
The body load was intense, more than everything I have ever experienced.
It felt horrible. I felt like vomiting was imminent and the general mood was worsened.

Luckily vomiting proved to be not an option that night but the drug continued its work on my brain, or the 5-HT2A receptors as some of you might say. Knowing that there was no return I started up Call of Duty. „Maybe the shooting distracts me a little and the drug will wear off in no time!“ Actually, it turned out to be a good Idea after all, and against all expectations I wasn't bad in the game either, even a bit better than usual one might say. But storming endless buildings over and over, shooting enemy over enemy never stopped my flow of thoughts. In fact, it provided me with the silence, as weird as this sounds, to think clearly, to think about myself, about everything I did and also made me thinking about my WAYS of thinking, It all was clear. >I< was clear, or what felt like clear at least... My thoughts would wander and I would inspect the most bizarre and simplest things about myself. I would inspect why I am doing things in a certain way and not the other and come to realise that I sometimes just choose the familiar way just because of trust and not of actual judgment.

I had some other personal insights. Somewhere during all the shooting a brilliant Idea shoot through my head.

Next thing I know I am writing a trip report just to notice that I normally NEVER write any texts besides my dreams. And on top of that. I usually only CHAT in english, complete texts are a real challenge for me while sober. This wasn't a normal night after all and I realised that it all didn't matter, I just wanted to write down everything that was shooting through my head the same second it shoot through my head. The visuals at this point were sometimes nice, but at the same time kind of „stealthy“, for the lack of a better word, so stealthy I could never actively notice them as „visuals“. Morphing objects in the corner of my field of vision or just things that are not in focus. Everything I directly looked at got no visuals, the game I played a few minutes ago had been clear as always, but everything around my monitor was a whole different story. Sense of space got also washed away.

Later the visuals grew stronger and I simply couldn't ignore them anymore, but still not what I expected them to be for some reason, despite my previous experiences. My mouth wanted to chew things randomly. The beloved and long served pen eventually became my victim and got chewed, sometimes glitching out of the mouth as to escape all the horrible biting.

It eventually worked and the subject got distracted with other things on the Internet. The pen could observe how the subject would never stop writing, sometimes not even looking at the screen. It could see the that the subject finally had a superb time. The music was still playing in the back and the clarity once returned, just to be absorbed again. Wave after wave the drug did its effects . . .

„It comes in waves“ I thought. Of course it comes in waves, I always knew that, even one of my friends that doesn't even care for the nature of drugs noticed that particular attribute. Sometimes I become clearheaded and get this certain relaxed feeling I only get when coming down and in the next second I am tripping hard again and have strange visuals out of nowhere again. Speaking of which, I oddly get very few when I am on 2C-E. Nothing anywhere near comparable to what others experience but still some. The most common one is drawings or text on screens becoming 3d despite being obviously 2d. Even when I move around the text or drawing still appears to be 3d.

„Everything has a certain haste around it“, I remark in my text and I also notice that every thought, everything in my head gets processed as something visual, something that looks like a scene or at least a picture. I had this all the time during the trip but I just now came to notice it. It isn't blocking out my normal vision but its more like a secondary space of what I could see. To say in other words, my way of thinking was extremely visual.

Spinning my head into certain positions I would expect my ways of thinking to flow more easily and with every second the body load wore off. „This could be another wave“ I thought. Hard to keep my head together, and on top of that I got mild tactile sensations out of nowhere for around a minute. During the peak of the waves it became difficult to write for me, sometimes I just wouldn't know the right words and get stuck on something as simple as the difference between „but“ and „and“.

I peaked I came down I peaked I came down...

Eventually after some writing I came down step by step for real, knowing from my other trip that the bodyload would last long even after the „head-high“ would have worn off.

But it turned out otherwise, 5 ˝ hours into the trip and I wasn't too exhausted to feel uncomfortable like the other time I did 50 mg of 2C-E orally [which was my first psychedelic experience]. This could either be because of the ingestion method or my general mindset and experience.


For me it was not the kind of drug where rainbow pooping unicorns will just materialize in front of me or where I see „cool shit“, it never was that at all. I can't just get „high“ off it, like weed, and have a great time. It was pretty overwhelming every time I really got high off it, even considering the amount of information I gathered about this subject. I don't plan on taking doses this high again simply because the body load was way to intense to enjoy the weird mindfuck I got from this drug.

I guess it IS the perfect drug for those that are into all that „psychedelic therapy“ stuff for self observing purposes.

PS: Before I forget to add. Music sounded AWESOME on the afterglow and the onset of this drug!

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95692
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 11, 2022Views: 385
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Alone (16)

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