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Began to Have Delusions
Citation:   Entheogen1. "Began to Have Delusions: An Experience with Oxymorphone (exp95968)". Mar 19, 2014.

40 mg insufflated Pharms - Oxymorphone (ground / crushed)
Opana Delusions

Having been experimenting with Opana and various other opiates for about a year, I had developed a small tolerance for the drug as well as other opiates and began to combine it with benzo's or dope.

Afterwork I would do around 30 or 40 mg of Opana, sometimes even 80 so that I could achieve a good nod. After a couple of weeks of use I was no longer withdrawing as severely as I had in the beginning of my use. (Which by the way is the worst hell I can imagine and I mean that quite literally. I've had a broke chest/ribs and that didn't even compare to the pain of opana wd's) Anyways, on a number of occasions after insufflating 60mg of opana, I would find that during or after nodding out I began to have delusions.

Opana tricks me in this way because while nodding out everything seems to be a dream regardless of being conscious. While watching tv with a friend I found that I would be roused out of my nod by my SELF asking absurd incoherent nonsensical questions. Things that I believe I must have been dreaming while nodding off or rather I must have thought that they were incorporated into reality. I have never had any delusions or mental illness prior to my use, however when combining opana with valium or xanax for instance the chance of these said delusions was dramatically increased.

In one instance I combined 40 mg of opana with 2 bags of Heroin and perhaps a 5mg valium, after this I began to nod off intermittently, perhaps around every 5 minutes, however I began to ask nonsensical questions which made no sense to my peers or myself. Embarrassing to say the least. On another occasion I was evidently so faded off of 80mg of opana that I drove to a casino an hour away and gambled for 2 hours with little recollection. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Opana in high doses most certainly can cause impairment of judgement and a lapse in memory. When combined with heroin it is extremely potent and very easy to overdose on. I've experienced myself having to inflict pain by biting my gums or tongue just to keep awake enough to drive, or waking up in the morning only to find notes written to myself as reminders for what I had done or where I left things. In short Opana when abused in the long term run can cause a number of strange side effects, and drove me to odd or unwanted experiences. I've truly found this drug to be more potent and dangerous than heroin due to its concentration.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 95968
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 19, 2014Views: 2,668
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Pharms - Oxymorphone (221) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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