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Almost Two Decades
Clonazepam & Propranolol
Citation:   Cheshire Cat. "Almost Two Decades: An Experience with Clonazepam & Propranolol (exp96255)". Dec 14, 2017.

1.5 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (daily)
      Pharms - Propranolol  
Almost Two Decades of Experience

Prelude: I was prescribed 4mg/day of Clonazepam (Klonopin) almost 2 decades ago now for a social anxiety disorder. It became apparent in the first days that it was too high a dosage since I would pull the car over in the mornings and nap for a couple of hours. I've since adjusted down and up over the years and have settled on about 1 to 1.5 mg in the mornings.

I don't have the best memory anyway but Clonazepam definitely makes it worse. Compensating by keeping notes doesn't help a lot because I don't believe my memory is going to fade while taking in the events of the day. In fact sometimes I recall most everything, but sometimes I forget entire days.

The most recent event was at a 3-day meeting with many people and lots of anxiety. I asked the doctor for a booster of Inderal to complement the Clonazepam (having tried the two successfully many years ago). Inderal basically keeps the heart from racing while the Clonazepam rounds the emotional edges. Well, all went quite well as I now recall people and events being cordial and everyone having a pretty good time. But that's all I remember. I'd upped the Clonazepam dosage to 2 mg with 2 mg/day of Inderal and got through all of it in a relaxed state and only stumbled on my words once that I can recall (speech is sometimes affected by higher doses or if I'm not accustomed to the dosage - and greatly more so with alcohol which we imbibed once or twice). I've since had to review my notes and the presentation notes to piece together what happened those three days.

The gist of my report is that Clonazepam in particular is a mood altering drug that can relax me to sleep or just take the edge off, but unfortunately it will affect my memory like Alzheimer's if I'm not careful. People also often think I'm being lazy when it kicks in about 30 minutes after taking it. The reality is I care less about things and get a little drowsy.

In summation I'd say that it's not much of a party drug, being too sedative, and if I want to remember the fun I had I probably won't recall most of it.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 96255
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 55
Published: Dec 14, 2017Views: 3,862
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : Medical Use (47), Post Trip Problems (8), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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