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Lost in Sellwood
Citation:   ManiacAshes. "Lost in Sellwood: An Experience with 2C-B (exp96257)". Jun 5, 2018.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral 2C-B
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis
Woke up like any other sunday, it was 11:45 or so, and I went downstairs to eat and grab some coffee. I had made plans to ride downtown with my friend M on our bikes.

2:00 PM -

We meet up on the trail, while im'ing on steam M had expressed interest in procuring and taking some acid. Having had several 2c-x's circulating in my neighborhood, I had gained a heavy interest in 2c-b. A few miles down we go...

3:00 PM -

Waiting for our other friend, D. M tells me that I can have some 2c-b for free, to which I oblige. We wait another twenty minutes until D shows up and we make our way down to the meeting spot for the acid. After M procures 10 blotters, we all drop the trippy drugs in our mouths. For me and D, 30 mg of the Bees. For M, 2 hits of lsd.
We decide we shouldn't ride downtown. And I am thoroughly glad we didn't.

4:00 PM -

Riding through Sellwood. This quaint town is definitely giving me good vibes. We make our way to the other side of the trail and me and D are looking for familiarity, so we take a rest on a log by the river.

4:30 PM -

Everything I was feeling was beautiful and strange. Navigating through nature became a breeze, but while this persisted, I was going too dumb from the Bees to want to navigate anywhere. I'm just wanting to lay down.
I'm just wanting to lay down.
So I lay in the mud. CEV's are intense. Fractals dance behind my eyelids. Trees are growing and shedding moss, and the grass is putting on a dance for us. How lovely! We debate whether or not to move 10 feet for about an hour, and try to smoke a bowl.
After a few hits we give up and start heading back.

6:00 PM -

Riding the springwater trail but it definitely doesn't feel like the trail, my remembrance of life at that moment amounted to the log from before. The trail felt tiny and huge at the same time, and I didn't understand the concept of direction, so when it came time for us to re-enter Sellwood, things turned from a cartoon euphoria with heavy visuals, to a drugged out hellride. All I could remember was thinking we shouldn't be riding our bikes through this town, but we all seemed to be quite coordinated. Which was a mystery to me, as I could lucidly control my bike but could not navigate reality. I had forgotten what reality was, and I was trying very hard to piece all the facts of today together. Since the log, I had had trouble communicating my thoughts. Riding around sellwood, we come across a Thai restaurant. Both hungry, D and M suggest going in, but I feel opposed to the idea. I can tell that both me and D are going dumb and we all walk around the thai restaurant for about 10 minutes looking for a bike rack, none is to be found. It's about now that I stop keeping track of time, and we eventually find our way to the rest of the trail to get home.

Relief. Familiarity. Beautiful.
While riding around Sellwood I had the feeling of being in a fantasy world and that I was gonna wake up to a harsh reality, but when I came back to some semblance of the latter, I was relieved to finally know where we were going. Time meant very little to me in this state, as I could see things age rapidly and I thought I had lived multiple existences this day.
I could see things age rapidly and I thought I had lived multiple existences this day.

D is having a bad time. I feel sorry because I don't have the slightest clue what to do about it, M is better suited to be a voice of comfort. I see a vulnerability and sensitivity in all of us. Under this intoxication I would never think of hurting another living creature. D talks of going home, to which all I can say is don't drive.

We all make our way to his car and wait to come down, though M is still very high on acid. D's car is sanctuary. I ask him if he had a bad reaction to the Bees, to which he said with complete human honesty; 'I'm too uptight of a person.'

It was a learning experience for sure; from which I believe I extracted a few personal reflections, and realized that alot of my problems in life stem from lack of communication. I felt an afterglow and uncontrollable smiling most of the night.

The Bees hit harder than I ever imagined, and I have no regrets.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96257
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 795
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2C-B (52) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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