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Unworldly Bliss a Feeling Only in Death
Citation:   Sheepking. "Unworldly Bliss a Feeling Only in Death: An Experience with AMT (exp96772)". Nov 30, 2016.

T+ 0:00
45 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 12:00   smoked AM-2201  
Me and my Best mate lets call him J, have been trying different RC chems on the current market. We are people that enjoy feeling trips that don't seen possible to feel within normal life. Our first experiment with AMT was a oral dose of 35mg. This gave us moderate effects (nothing special, but we had been abusing the seratoin receptor the past weeks) a bit like MDMA without the extreme euphoria.
After waiting for a month we thought of giving AMT another try and wow haha.

Here's the experience.

Weighted up 45mg of the orange power and put it in a bomb, swallowed and waited for the long come up.

T-1hour: started to feel slight effects, so we decided to make a trip to McDonald's.
The walk was fun, both of us getting a bit chatty now and finally make it to mccay ds. J brought two cheese burgers for us which I wasnt too sure bout eating but managed to get down. We sat at a bench and stared at the night sky for a bit.

T-1.30 hours: I was sick ( I know that burger was a bad idea but hey ) wasn't too bad j was also sick by the sound of me :). After emptying are stomachs it starting kicking in a bit more. Getting the AMT fuzz now and everything looking really glistening. Our location was quite busy with cars and warehouse noise so we decided to move due to paranoia haha, and we went back to J's.

T-2 hours: this is when it really started to kick in. Both of us were euphoric and had the attention span of a fish. We tried to play trials hd on the Xbox but this was too hard to play, so out came the bong then took a bowl each.

T-3-5 hours: plateau, listing to music become intense and an absolute amazing. Closed eye hallucinations and open eye become more and more apparent going in tune with the music. Time passed like hours were minutes.

T-6-12: the only way I can describe this feeling is complete bliss
T-6-12: the only way I can describe this feeling is complete bliss
, complete peace I was one with everything. This feeling lasted the rest of the trip, which then faded into restlessness. We were so tired but unable to sleep due to the closed eye hallucinations, which at this point just wanted to sober up. We decided to smoke a bowl of am-2201 to help with the come down which helped a lot. Finally got to sleep at round about 14 hours after ingestion.

AMT is proberly one of the best RCs I have tried so far, duration was a bit too much but a really enjoyable experience. We both have taken it since in a larger dose of 55mg which without a doubt was more of a intense experience with more visuals. I would defiently take this RC again.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96772
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Nov 30, 2016Views: 1,689
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