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Kratom-Induced Liver Issues
by Mark
Citation:   Mark. "Kratom-Induced Liver Issues: An Experience with Kratom (exp96857)". Jul 24, 2012.

12 g   Kratom
I just wanted to add that my girlfriend is in Hospital suffering from jaundice and itching. The whole thing seem to start the day after taking kratom. She had to call the Paramedics out, as she was suffering from chest pain and shortness of breath. After doing some test they found her liver function was sky high. She was released from Hospital that night. Over the next 5 days she became jaundiced and itchy, she is still in hospital having tests.

Can't blame the kratom directly, but it seems it was the only thing she did different.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96857
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Jul 24, 2012Views: 16,022
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Kratom (203) : Second Hand Report (42), Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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