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Stuck Inside the Music in My Head
by bear
Citation:   bear. "Stuck Inside the Music in My Head: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp96875)". Jul 12, 2016.

50 mg sublingual Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
I have been using mxe for some time mainly using it in small doses of around 20-30 mg when my mind will not shut off and let me sleep or relax. Its not used every day but I would say its used regular but I dont seem to have a tolerance build up.

After some recent bad experiences and life trauma I couldnt sleep, making my mind and health suffer. So I decided to up the dose of mxe to get a good nights rest and to help my mind to switch off and enjoy the body buzz. I have learnt a shamanic approach to let my body enjoy the buzz and listen to my body sing while taking substances. I consider myself to be very lucky to have been taught the shamanic way.

So the journey
50 mg placed under my tongue for around 10 mins then rinsed down with juice.

Little numbness of face after around 15mins and could feel the journey starting

As per my usual ritual when taking mxe earphones in with relaxing music so not to be disturbed or distacted so my mind will just go with the flow.

I could feel the lovely relaxed feeling starting to wash over and started to drift off into a peaceful sleep but this time it was different.

Normally I would wake up and refreshed the next morning having had a deep sleep but this time the music was what I can describe as dancing with my mind, twisting and turning, it was lovely and peacful then a song came on that for some reason woke me up or I thought I had woke up. I went to remove my ear phones to find the music still playing in my head without the ear phones. It was very strange so I decided to put the ear phones back in and go with the flow.

When the song finished I opened my eyes and went to remove the ear phones only to find I felt I was unable to move. This didnt worry me, I felt fine. My limbs felt very heavy and the next song started and I drifted of to the music and was once again dancing twisting and turning.

The next morning I woke up late but refreshed.

I really enjoyed the whole experience and will be doing it again when my mind needs to flow and be free.

Please if you are going to try mxe use scales to measure your dosage this stuff is very potent if you get a good supplier and it could be easy to overdose.

Be safe and enjoy

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96875
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Jul 12, 2016Views: 1,773
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Methoxetamine (527) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1)

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