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Weird But Somehow Enjoyable
by QZD
Citation:   QZD. "Weird But Somehow Enjoyable: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp9708)". Jul 8, 2005.

900 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
I had used Dramamine in the past. The first time I used it, I was with my friend Matt. We were at his dad's house and we had nothing to do so we checked out the internet for info about Dramamine. Matt had heard from some college kids that it was a real trip and much cooler than acid which we had both used before. After reading up some info, we went to Osco Drug and bought a 100 tablet bottle of Benadryl. We each took 18 pills a head. After about 1 and a half hours, we felt really tired and 'drunk' (as far as moving around). Right before we fell asleep, I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and when I turned on the light, the walls looked liked they were sliding up and covered in little black dots. When I came back down, I saw Matt standing in the doorway just staring at me. Then I walked towards him and asked him what was up. When I got about 5 feet away from him, he disappeared. When I entered the room, I saw that he was asleep on his bed which really freaked me out. I had no idea that the person I saw in the doorway wasn't real even though I had read reports describing the realness of the hallucinations on Dimenhydrinate.

The next day, I took the bottle of Benadryl home with me for further experimentation. I was really interested in it and wanted to be able to stay up long enough to experience the full blown effects.

About a month after my first experience, I found myself bored and looking for a fix of some type so I turned to the bottle. I took 20 of the little pink pills down at around 7 o'clock and then promptly drank a cup of coffee and two red bulls. For the first hour, I felt just really wired probably from the caffeine. I was watching TV with my little brother when I got up to go to the kitchen for some water. As soon as I got up, I felt this strange heaviness and numbness in my body not unlike being drunk. So after experiencing extreme cottonmouth and downing a few glasses of water, I sat back down to watch TV. Soon (within half an hour) I started to notice the same sliding patterns on the wall and ceiling. They were these dots moving around on the wall and they were pretty neat to look at. At this point, I think I got up and walked outside. It was around 9 PM but it seemed perfectly normal to me. I stared at the morning glory flowers in the garden and then came back in.

At this point, my parents came home. My mom was talking to me about almost missing the Bus to school in the morning and I started babbling something about there being a U turn where I could catch the bus at. This seemed to make perfect sense to me then, but I concerned my mom. Somehow, the conversation turned to why I had gone outside and I proceeded to say that I had gone out to water the morning glories which I did every day even though I had never done anything like that before. My mom started to get concerned and asked me if I had taken anything. I said no, but she kept getting worried so I sorta freaked out and said some bad stuff and ran to my room. Apparently, my running was more like walking into walls and my mom said that there was something wrong with me and that I had taken some drug. I kept insisting that I hadn’t, and finally, she left me alone.

Upon returning to the TV room, I looked at the walls and saw that they looked like rolling waves and they were rolling right across every surface of every wall and ceiling. I think I passed out on a bed into the TV room because the next thing I could remember was getting up in a dark room. At this point, walking normally was almost impossible and I could just barely keep my balance. I looked into the doorway and saw these people who were my Grandmother and my brother. I was pretty sure they weren't real because they were silent and just standing there. I looked away for a second and they were gone. I decided to get up and get some more water because my throat was dry so I walked out into the hall and tried to turn on the light switch. For some reason, there was no physical switch where I saw the switch. Then all of a sudden, a light came on and my brother (really him this time) got up. I was standing in a corner of his room trying to walk forwards. I wasn’t even in the hallway!!

I cannot remember anything after that except some person resembling me standing in my way and then growing gigantic in size before dissipating into thin air. I do not no for certain in which order any of the above events took place or if they really did at all. The next morning, I woke up and my legs were very twitchy as if I had to move them. My mom said by before work as normal and to this day, I do not know if my conversation with her ever occurred.

Overall, this was a really weird but somehow enjoyable experience. It was scary how I couldn't tell real from unreal but it was kind of fun to be 'insane' for a while. I don't know if I will ever try this drug again but if I do, it will definitely be with a babysitter. To anyone who wants to try this out, this may not be the recreational drug you are looking for. It is a serious substance and you will have real hallucinations so remember to have a babysitter.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2005Views: 22,814
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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