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Minimal Effects and Mild Disorientation
Morning Glory
by wd40
Citation:   wd40. "Minimal Effects and Mild Disorientation: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp9710)". Jul 8, 2005.

140 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
After searching online for legal ways to get high, two weeks ago I ordered 140 Morning Glory Heavenly Blue seeds through the mail. I had read some reports of great trips just through chewing the seeds, so I was excited but skeptical. I had breakfast around 9, but soon afterward defecated so as to have an empty stomach for the seeds.

At 4 pm, I sat down to a dark and undisturbed setting in front of my comp and began to meticulously chew the first seeds. I got the impression from the online files that finely chewing/crushing the seeds would lend to better results, so I really took my time. I took one or two at a time, meticulously crushing them with my front teeth, then swallowing the pulp and continuing. The seeds have a woody garden taste, which I tried to get used to, but rather they made me nauseous.

At 5:15 I had only managed to eat 70, and I was really abhorring the taste, so I had to take a short break. With the help of a root beer, I forced myself to slowly eat another 15. At 5:50 I was feeling a little better but fed up that it was taking so long, so I finished off the rest in the next 20 minutes. My overall rate was one seed per minute.

No real effects except for queasiness, and some associated mild disorientation, like after smoking some really weak pot. I was really hungry though, and after discovering that root beer tasted *a lot* better after that nasty stuff, I walked from my dorm to the cafeteria. It was a pleasant evening, and the mild pot-like effects made it even more enjoyable. I purposefully took very small portions (I usually eat a very big dinner) so as not to hinder any possible effects. However, I could only eat about 1/4 of what I took, and even then I felt like I had eaten too much. I felt really sick to my stomach, even more disoriented, and so dragged myself back to the dorm. I found a friend I could lean on the way back and told him that I thought that the effects were beginning. All I wanted was my bed.

After turning on some trippy music, I crashed in my bed, and with the mildly enhanced sensory awareness and concentration, I had a good time masturbating, after which I felt exhausted and fell into a semi-sleep. This was probably the best part. Through yoga I have tried to let go of my mind while still being there, and have attained varied success. I attained a semi-meditative state, but in which some of my nervous tendencies prevailed, greatly heightened; a previous nervous impulse was now a burst of acid from my leg to my brain.

After awakening, all the effects which I had previously began to feel had disappeared, except for the occasional moment of disorientation, and the constant brain numb which continues till now (4:30 am; its not because of the seeds though: I stay up this late all the time). Overall, the 'trip' provided nothing that couldn't be accomplished through lack of sleep and mild sickness. I plan to further experiment though, next time with some extraction method, on an emptier stomach, and all at once. Chewing is definitely not recommended.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9710
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2005Views: 5,790
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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