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First Time User
Kratom (Bali)
Citation:   CM PUNK. "First Time User: An Experience with Kratom (Bali) (exp97183)". Jul 24, 2015.

4 capsls oral Kratom (capsule)
Using Kratom for the first time was a little nerve wracking. I had received the package of 20 Bali Capsules in the mail the day before and really wanted to try them but being a working man I had decided until my first day off to use. I didn't want to be wacked out all day at work on a drug I knew nothing about. I heard good stories and bad stories.

I got up the next day with terrible back and knee joint pain and was scheduled to work that day, usually I take Tylenol to fight off the pain but figured if I didn't take a lot of Kratom I should be fine and looking online a large dose consisted of 15 or more grams. I decided to take only 2 grams or 4 capsules. It was the best decision of my life. [Erowid Note: reported dose is 'Roughly 4 grams']

I took the 4 gram dose at roughly 2:15PM I hadn't eaten thinking that 4 grams was a relatively low dose and I didn't want to completely kill the effects it would have. I took four capsules and a swig of orange juice.

I had to be at work at 4:00PM. After taking the Kratom I went upstairs to take a shower. Walking up the stairs was slightly painful. 2:15 before taking a shower I went number two. This took about 10 minutes. At 2:25 Got into the shower feeling slightly confused/lethargic. At this point I get worried that the Kratom will make work impossible. Something I had dreaded. The reason I wanted to wait until the weekend to try in the first place. I decide that I am causing this experience to be a bad one and calm myself down. While in the shower I start to feel awake/rejuvenated in a way and begin to sing. I feel pleasant and very excited I would describe it as being very happy. Like Christmas day, before presents. I get out of the shower.

2:45 I get dressed, I feel springy and lively, pain in my joints ease considerably. No pain in my back. I still feel slightly confused. I remember trying to fill out paperwork and I couldn't write clearly and kept over thinking the spelling of words I had written correctly.

3:00 I sit to play a video game before work. No problem concentrating. Still feel 'funny' but happy/energetic/joints feel 'oiled'

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
3:30 leave for work. While getting into my car I keep feeling like I am forgetting something (didn't forget anything). Driving was easy but I felt anxious. Singing along to Pearl Jam feels 'fun' I feel in a good mood.

3:45 Arrive at work. My mood feels the same as when I use Opiates. While walking into work I talk to someone I have seen at work but never had the inclination to talk to. I introduce myself and have a friendly conversation but I seem to get my sentences/words mixed up. Saying the wrong thing or maybe agreeing to much but the conversation seems content.

4:00 I clock in it has been 2 hours since ingestion. I haven't hit the peak yet. I get out onto the sells floor and smile, I feel great, I think I look great. I have conversations with customers with relative ease. (I am a shy person until you get to know me) But Kratom makes me lose just enough inhibition to strike up conversation and to have a genuine conversation.

6:00 Still feel great. Have a little trouble urinating. I also have noticed a relative ease at achieving a raging erection. My body feels hot. My head feels 'clouded' bit I still have lots of energy/no pain/easy to talk to. Experience itching on nose.

7:30 Making sells are easier. I am having an easy time relating with the customers. Easy time introducing myself and asking if they need help. Experiencing slight itching on nose and face.
7:45 Feel the effects of cottonmouth.
8:00 Lunch time rolls around and I noticed I feel very hungry (haven't eaten anything all day) I don't feel like I need to eat anything but just I feel like I have a hole in my stomach that could use a filling up. I eat a footlong sandwich, apple, and a drink.
8:30 return from lunch
9:00 Start to feel the effects of coming down from a 'high'.
9:30 Start to feel tired like I worked hard all day, still hardly any pain in the joints. Still feel sociable. Start to begin to feel lethargic.
10:30 Ready to go home.
11:00 No trouble clocking out, going to car, and driving home.
11:15 Get home take a shower. My body begins to feel worn. Still not mentally tire, i feel like I could still do work, Clean house and then begin to watch tv.
4:00 AM Fall Asleep.

11:30 AM I feel Like I was run over by a car. My body aches again. I feel mentally refreshed but again my body feels ravished. I believe the Kratom had the effects of speeding me up and reducing pain making it easier for me to move in ways my body didn't or couldn't move before. Hence the feeling of physical strain. It did take away any craving for food but left me feeling empty. Overall the experience was similar to a Hydrocodone high at a low dose. The feeling of speediness, ability to get things done, sociability, low to no joint pain, the feeling of being able to fuck all night long all came with 4 grams of Kratom. With the good came an inability to fall asleep, to be confused at times, lose a mental filter, some itching, slight inhibition and a feeling of physical tiredness the next day.

I had been a habitual user of RX painkillers on and off for a few years and was looking for a way to get away from them. Kratom seems to have the desired effect of producing the effects RX painkillers without the stigma. Also I got a longer effect on Kratom almost 8 hours with a relatively easy coming down than on RX Painkillers. I would get 4 hours at the most with on Hydrocodone and have to pop in another but Kratom lasted nearly all day.

Overall, I would use it again. It made my job easier/more enjoyable. I would definitely use a few hours before a sexual experience. (Guessing it would have the same effects as hydrocodone.) Plan on using a higher dosage to experience the calming effects. From what I have read on the web a few grams creates a stimulant effect and a few more creates a calming effect.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97183
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 24, 2015Views: 10,688
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Kratom (203) : Workplace (51), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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